Connect with other students
There are a few options to connect digitally with other new students before you start.
University of Edinburgh (UoE) Events App
Downloading the University of Edinburgh Events app is the best way to browse all of the events taking place before and during Welcome Week for new students.
Within the app, you can also use the dynamic 'Interact' feature to connect with other new students. If you have created a profile with Guidebook, you will be able to create and share posts. We would recommend using this social feed to:
- introduce yourself and try to identify students in similar situations (e.g. same course, coming from same country, same interests etc.)
- ask questions about getting started - you will definitely not be the only person who has that exact question
- share updates about what you have discovered and helped you to prepare and feel settled
You will be able to react and comment on other student's posts.
If you choose not to create a profile (it is completely optional), than you can still view the interactions on this social feed.

Unibuddy is a platform you can use to connect with and chat to current students. It is a great way for new students to get answers to any of the questions you may have! You can use the platform to ask questions about:
- Accommodation
- Living in the city
- Starting your studies
Please note that the platform isn't live, and it may take up to 24 hours to receive a response from a current student.
New Students Facebook group
You can meet other new students online by joining the University’s official Facebook group for new students. You will have been invited to join this group in your offer letter.