
SPOC Global

International Social Prescribing on Campus Network

Social Prescribing on Campus network, SPOC Global, created in response to the number of universities, both UK and international, contacting UoE Prescribe Culture for exploration into, or support in establishing, on-campus social prescribing has been increasing.

On Social Prescribing Day 2023, UoE Prescribe Culture organised an online event ‘Social Prescribing on Campus’ that attracted 150 registrations.

As a result of these factors, it was felt 2023 was the right time to establish an inter-professional network of university and partnership staff focused on developing, delivering and evaluating social prescribing on campuses across the globe.

Membership of SPOC Global is open to all staff, clinical and non-clinical, working to support campus communities by addressing social determinants of ill health.

Map of world in blue with global network in the middle and arrows to countries