Social PrescribeED
Welcome to SocialPrescribED, the University of Edinburgh’s social prescribing initiative. SocialPrescriED uses a referral pathway to providing non-clinical support to address social determinants of ill health.
Social prescribing is an approach that enables a range of stakeholders, often based in healthcare, to refer individuals to non-clinical interventions, to empower individuals and improve their health and wellbeing.
Social prescribing is developing across the globe. You can find a useful summary of the global developments in social prescribing in this link to an article in the British Medical Journal Global Health 2022
Global developments in social prescribing (

Here, at the University of Edinburgh, we have been offering social prescribing on campus since the creation of Prescribe Culture, in 2019. Supported through Prescribe Culture, the number of social prescriptions has started to increase and diverse now include social prescriptions based on movement and nature.
The University of Edinburgh leads on the Social Prescribing on Campus Global Network (SPOC Global). This is an international, inter-professional collective of clinical and non-clinical staff who work on developing, delivering, evaluating and continuously improving social prescribing services for the campus community.
For further details on all of the above, we invite you to explore the various sections below.
If you would like more details please simply email