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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Frances Dow Honorary Fellow
Mia Dowman Proposition Lead for the Global Open Finance Centre of Excellence (GOFCoE)
Rosie Downs Programme Administrator
Jennifer Doyle Senior Content Designer (Content Operations)
Lucy Doyle PhD Student
Rebecca Doyle Senior Lecturer in Animal Welfare/Deputy Director
Marshall Dozier College Lead for Library Academic Support (CMVM) and Academic Support Librarian (Medicine)
Marshall Dozier (EdD student) Thesis title: Conceptualisations of information and data handling
Nicola Drago-Ferrante HR and Finance Administrator
Yavor Dragostinov PhD Psychology
Amanda Drake Professor
Eleanor Drake PhD Psychology
Judith Drake
Dr Thomas Drake
Georgios (George) Drakoulis 4th Year Undergraduate Student
Vayalena Drampa Invigilators R(D)SVS-2
Tom Draper IntoUniversity Community Liaison Coordinator
Andrew Drever Teaching Fellow
Jonathan Drever Clinical Data Manager
Amanda Dron Senior Research Support Administrator