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Name Role Business unit(s)
Jenni Doonan Curriculum and Partnership Developer (DDI City Deal)
Jerrard Doran Internal Communications Officer
Mhairi Doris Clinical Fellow
Dr Natasha Dorling Principal Research Funding Specialist
Christos Dorlis Resident in Small animal Surgery
Fingal Dorman Clinical Fellow in Counselling and Psychotherapy
John Dorsch Alumnus in Philosophy and Previous Staff Member
Dr Fergus Doubal Honorary Senior Lecturer & Consultant Stroke Physician
Dimitrios Doudesis Data Scientist
Isla Dougall MSc by Research Psychology
Douglas Dougan Lecturer
Dahlia Doughty Shenton Innovation Fellow
Cameron Douglas Campus Estates and Facilities Assistant
Dr Cristina Douglas Postdoctoral Research Associate (AMBER project)
Keith Douglas Teaching Fellow
Kelly Douglas IRR Postgraduate Programmes and Teaching Administration Manager
Kirsty Douglas
Leonidas Doumas Senior Lecturer
Catherine Doust PhD Psychology
Carol Dow, User Support Manager User Support Manager, Mental Health First Aider