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Name Role Business unit(s)
Fatoumatta Cole Data Manager
Professor Murray Cole Personal Chair of Patterned Parallel Computing
Nick Colegrave
Sarah Colegrove Marketing and Communications Manager
Ms Sue Coleman
Anthea Coleman-Chan Head of Humanities, Centre for Open Learning
Professor Helen Colhoun AXA Chair of Medical Informatics and Life Course Epidemiology
Rebecca Colleran PhD Linguistics & English Language
Tim Colles
Dr David Collie Group Leader/Reader
Adam Collier Resources Administrator
Caroline Collins
Professor Dave Collins Professorial Fellow in Human Performance Science
Loel Collins Lecturer in Sports Coaching
Dr Roger John Howard Collins Honorary Fellow; Medieval Eurasian History
Shane Collins Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions
Sinead Collins
Ms Stephanie Collishaw Laboratory Manager
Liz Colquhoun Teaching Fellow, Senior Specialist Pain Nurse
Beth Colston Student Recruitment Officer (Digital)