Nick Colegrave

Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 650 7705
- Email:
Rm. 159, Ashworth Building
1987-1990 Undergraduate, Biological sciences, Sussex University
1992-1995 PhD Sheffield University
1995-1996 NATO Fellow, McGill University
1997-1998 Postdoctoral researcher, St Andrews University
1999 Postdoctoral researcher, Glasgow University
2000 Zoology demonstrator, Edinburgh University
2000-2003 NERC research fellow, Edinburgh University
2003-2007 Lecturer in Biology
2008-Present Senior Lecturer in Biology
Undergraduate teaching
Program Organiser Zoology honours
Origin and Diversity of Life 1
Evolution in Action 2
Field Zoology 3
Animal Diversity and Evolution 3
Project Design and Analysis (hons)
Experimental Immunology (hons)
Research summary
Core research
My research interests are in the interface between ecology and evolution. Ecological interactions occur over a timescale of days or months, and have been viewed as essentially too quick to have relevance to long term evolution. Similarly, evolution was viewed as something that occurred over the millennia, and so of little importance to the day to day interactions studied by ecologists. However, it is slowly being realised that such a view is wrong and that the interaction between these fields is far more dynamic: The population dynamics of ecology will have profound effects on the selective forces of evolutionary biology which in turn will alter the properties of the organisms and affect their population dynamics. If we are to fully understand organic diversity, we need to consider both ecological and evolutionary forces, and the way in which they interact. Whilst my research has encompassed a wide range of organisms and specific questions, this general theme has run throughout. I do not limit myself to a single technique or study system, but instead attempt to use the best system for any particular question, often requiring a mixture of experimental and theoretical techniques. I am also actively involved in bringing evolutionary approaches to other field of biology, in particular infectious disease biology, and am part of several collaborative projects in this area.
Teaching interests
During the 15 years that I have been teaching at the University of Edinburgh it has become apparent to me that the major educational challenge in training biologists remains finding ways to engage them with issues of experimental design and statistics. Much of my current teaching focuses on addressing these issues, designing both courses and teaching materials to improve the statistical literacy of biology students and animal researchers. In support of this I have produced an introductory textbook on experimental design for life sciences. For more information on this, please see my statistics webpage (link above)