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Name Role Business unit(s)
Cathy Hills (PhD student)
Joseph Hills
Matthew Hillyer (PhD student)
Sayaka Hinata PhD Psychology
Susan Hinder Research Fellow
Lucy R. Hinnie Negotiating the Querelle Des Femmes in the Bannatyne MS (c. 1568)
Alex Hiscock
Dr Jane Hislop Senior Lecturer and Co-Programme Director Simulation Based Clinical Education
Elijah Hixson PhD candidate in New Testament & Christian Origins
Florence Ut Meng Ho Stipendiary Fellow
Dr Leonard Ho Visiting Researcher (ACRC)
Mavis Ho Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Vennus Ho
Samuel Hoare Deputy Year 2 Director MBChB progamme, Tutor in Medical Education, Teaching Fellow Master of Public Health (online)
Dr Claire Hobday UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and University of Edinburgh Chancellor’s Fellow
Gabrielle Hodge Senior Lecturer in Sign Language Linguistics
Iona Hodge Placements Officer
Renske Hoekstra
Dr Mark Hoelterhoff Lecturer in Clinical Psychology
Hayley Hoffman Intern in Small Animal Surgery