Dr Theodore Hill (MA, MSt, DPhil)

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow


I came to Edinburgh in January 2024 as a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, in order to undertake the project "Faces of the Divine: The Attribution of Anthropomorphic Emotions to the Gods in Classical Greece". Before that, I was a Teaching Fellow in Classics at Durham for three years (2021-2023), after completing my DPhil at the University of Oxford on "Rulers in Greek Tragedy" (2020). In general, I am interested in all aspects of ancient Greek literature and intellectual history, from the Archaic through to the Hellenistic period. 

Current research interests

Greek literature and cultural history

Journal articles

Articles in edited volumes

  • ‘Agamemnon and Menelaus as Generals in Sophocles and Euripides: Epic Characters and Contemporary Concerns’, forthcoming in E. Nicholson and A. Gavrielatos (eds.), Leadership Values and Genre Interactions in Antiquity. London: Bloomsbury.
  • ‘The Representation of Stasis in Athenian Tragedy’, in P. Brillet-Dubois, B. Nikolsky, and A.-S. Noel (eds.), Poétique et politique chez Euripide, 197-213. Paris: Classiques Garnier. 2024. [Available for purchase and download at https://classiques-garnier.com/export/html/poetique-et-politique-chez-euripide-en.html.] 


  • Rulers in Greek Tragedy. In preparation.