Alex Hiscock
Thesis title: Curating Intangible Online Heritage: The Case of the Antonine Wall and Roman Scotland

2019 M.A. Archaeology, Durham University
2017 B.A. (Hons.) Historical Archaeology, University of York
Responsibilities & affiliations
Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
Member, Roman Society
Research summary
My research focuses on Roman heritage in the UK, and the process by which communities leverage this in constructions of identity today. I am particulary interested in the more-than-human agents of heritage development that occur in online environments, and the relationship between analogue heritage contexts and subsequent online forms of heritage. My PhD project uses data drawn from social media sites and other popular web environments to investigate the ways in which specific aspects of the Antonine Wall and Roman Scotland are mediated online, and the uses of these aspects in discourses of heritage and memory. From this, I am creating comparative object biographies of archeaological artefacts, museum exhibits, and archaeological sites as they travel through online spaces and communities, and are remade and redefined as they do so.
Current research interests
In addition to the above, I also have research interests in the landscapes of the Roman north, Romano-british coinage, and studies of how memory is leveraged in Romano-British contexts.Conference details
'The Antonine Wall on Twitter: The Online Heritage of a Globalised Frontier (Poster)’ Frontier Museums and Frontiers as Museums: the borders of the Roman Empire as places of interaction between peoples and cultures, Sapienza University of Rome, May. Rome
‘Heritage Discourses and Social Media: Quali-Quantitative Methods Beyond GLAM Environments.’ CAA UK 2021, December, Online
‘Getting Beyond the GLaM: Discerning Heritage Discourses in Popular Online Environments’ Antiquity TAG 2021, December, Online (Antiquity).
‘From One Mythology to Another: Myths of Englishness in HBO and the BBC’s Rome’, Fourth University of Florida Classics Graduate Symposium. University of Florida, 27-28 February, Florida.