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Name Role Business unit(s)
David Rankin Research Fellow
Jonathan Rans Interim Head of Research Strategy
Abhijeet Rao Undergraduate Applied Mathematics student
Aigli Raouna
Steven Rapaport PhD Linguistics & English Language
Dr Anna Raper Bio-Imaging and Flow Cytometry Facility Manager
Vasilis Raptis
Dr Gajarishiyan Rasalingam MBBS, MPH, M.FMed(Edin)
Darwon Rashid
Dr Salam Rassi Lecturer in Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
Sofia Ratgauzer PhD Student
Lucy Raud Easter Bush Campus Operations and Services
Professor John Ravenscroft Chair of Childhood Visual Impairment
Meenal Rawat
Dr Richard Rawles Lecturer; Greek
Dr Konrad Rawlik Chancellor's Fellow
Phillip Rayson Assistant Trial Manager
Nicola Rea Research Nurse
Sarah Kate Read Sustainable Development Goals and Curriculum Mapping Assistant Intern
Nicholas Rebol MPhil Philosophy