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Name Role Business unit(s)
Rosemary Porteous Online Distance Learning Programme Administrator
Ms Emilia Porter Internship in Small Animal Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analge
James C Porter
Dr Jason Porter Leverhulme Early Career Fellow; Ancient Greek Slavery
Lauren Porter Widening Participation Officer (Summer Schools)
Nicole Porter Project Manager
Nicki Porterfield Facilities Administrator
M Rosa Portero-Migueles
Jordan Portman
Nina Poth PhD Philosophy
Vasiliki Pothitou Admissions and Recruitment Manager
Dr Andrei Potlogea Lecturer in Economics
Ms Jannika Pott Marketing & Communications Manager
Maddy Potter Early Career Teaching and Research Fellow in the Long Nineteenth Century (Romanticism/Victorianism)
Rebecca Potts Exotic Animal Care Assitant
Dr Noushin Pouraghaei Teaching Fellow
Jessica Powell Core Scientist Research Fellow
Oscar Powell
Stephen Powell Data Acquisition Manager
Gareth Poxon IT Service Manager