Jordan Portman (BSc)
Thesis title: A Single Cell Sequencing Approach to Identify New Therapeutic Targets for Liver Regeneration
MRC DTP in Precision Medicine
Year of study: 3
- Centre for Inflammation Research
Contact details
- Email:
PhD supervisors:
- Street
Centre for Inflammation Research, Queens Medical Research Institute, Little France.
- City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH16 4TJ
I am a MRC DTP Precision Medicine PhD Student at the Centre for Inflammation and Regenerative medicine, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh. My research focuses on liver regeneration and single cell transcriptomics. My aims are to uncover any unknown heterogeneity of hepatocytes and add to our current understanding of how hetaptocytes function during regeneration. The main goal will be to identify pro-reparative hepatocytes and discover therputic targets that could drive the intrinsic ability of the liver to recover after injury.
BSc in Biochemistry with a year of industrial experience
Responsibilities & affiliations
Chair of the CIR Social Committee
Student represenative of the 2016 cohort MRC DTP Precision Medicine course
Research summary
Liver and Cellular Regeneration
Single Cell Transcriptomic
Big Data
Current research interests
Liver Regeneration, Single Cell TranscriptomicPast research interests
Developmental Biology, VirologyProject activity
Currently I am working to sequence the transciptome of hepatocytes. I will compare those that are contributing to the regerative processed to those that are not as well as identify any unknown heterogeneity amount the heptocyte population.
Current project grants
MRC DTP Precision Medicine
MRC Flexibile Supliment Fund