James C Porter
Thesis title: Realising the potential of retinal image analysis with AI methods for monitoring neurodegenerative brain health in the community

Precision Medicine
Year of study: 1
- Centre for Medical Informatics
- Usher Institute
- Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences
Contact details
- Email: james.porter@ed.ac.uk
PhD supervisors:
- Street
Usher Building,
The University of Edinburgh
5‒7 Little France Road,
Edinburgh BioQuarter ‒ Gate 3 - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH16 4UX
I am a computer scientist by background, where I have focused on machine learning at scale. Recently, I have pivoted to machine learning applied to medical diagnosis and prediction.
MSc Artificial Intelligence, The University of Edinburgh (2021)
BSc Computer Science, Keele University (2017)
Research summary
Applying machine learning techniques to improve medical diagnosis.