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Name Role Business unit(s)
Nicole Moll EPIC Knowledge Exchange and Communications Officer
Christian Möller Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Sara Mollis
Attila Molnar
Laura Monaghan Research Fellow
Marie-Louise Monaghan Research Fellow
Dr Axel Montagne Chancellor's Fellow & UK DRI Group Leader
Ivan Montanes Sancho Resident in Small Animal Internal Medicine and DVetMed Postgraduate Student
Nuno Ferreira Lecturer, Advanced Practice Seminars & Research 1 and 2 Coordinator
Catherine Montgomery Chancellor's Fellow
Dan Montgomery Bayes Workforce Development Manager
David Montreuil Head of IT Services
Joanna Moodie Research Associate
Kristoffer Moody PhD Philosophy
Kristoffer Moody PhD Candidate
Rebecca Moody Research Support Senior Administrator
Sarah Moody Research Assistant (EDIFY)
Dr Angus Moodycliffe UK Research Funding Manager
Julia Moon Communications Administrator
James Mooney Deputy Head of the Centre for Open Learning