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Julie Miranville
Yaser Mirdamadi The God Who Talks without Word: the Problem of Revelation in Modern Muslim Theology; a Philosophical Appraisal of Soroushaian Theory of Revelation
Daniel Mirman Senior Lecturer
Jakub Mistak Stipendiary Fellow
Dr Zubin Mistry Senior Lecturer; Early Medieval European History
Saori Mita (三田 紗央里)
Amy Mitchell Intermediate care ward nurse
Brian Mitchell (University Teacher) University Teacher
Euan Mitchell
Dr Jess Mitchell Chancellors Fellow
Professor Jolyon Mitchell Honorary Fellow
Kimberly S Mitchell
Lloyd Mitchell Senior Electronics/Electrical Engineer
Mark Mitchell Fourth year PhD Student
Professor Rod Mitchell Principal Investigator
Stephen Mitchell Postgraduate Taught Programmes Administrator
Kinross Mitchell Paramedic
Katarina Miteva Research Fellow
Karim Mitha
Tijana Mitic Research Fellow (Career Re-entry BHF Research Fellow)