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Name Role Business unit(s)
Professor Carol Campbell Head of School and Personal Chair of Education
Caroline Campbell Alumni Relations and Philanthropy Manager, School of Enginering
Chloe Campbell Enquiry Management Assistant
Christine Campbell Reader
Professor Colin Campbell Personal Chair of Medical and Biological Spectroscopy
Corin Campbell PR and Media Manager (CSE)
Crysta Campbell Development Officer (Research)
Dawn Campbell Personal Assistant to Professor Tim Walsh | Administrative Secretary
Professor Eleanor E. B. Campbell Chair of Chemistry
Elizabeth Campbell
Dr Ewen K. Campbell Royal Society University Research Fellow
Dr Fay Campbell REF and IMPACT Administrator
Harry Campbell Professor of Genetic Epidemiology and Public Health
Dr Iain Campbell Baszucki Research Fellow in Metabolic Psychiatry
Iain Campbell PhD Student
Ian Campbell Honorary Fellow
Jessica Campbell Project Manager - Hub for Metabolic Psychiatry
Jessica Campbell
Kenneth Campbell
Kirsteen Campbell Communications and Engagement Officer, UK LLC