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Name Role Business unit(s)
Marie Zechner
Marie-Theres Zechner Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Louise Zeelenberg International Recruitment Manager (South East Asia and Australasia)
Ula Zeir Salamiyya: a City of the Ismailis in the Nineteenth and Early Twenties Century Ottoman Syria (1831- 1918)
Andrew Zelny PhD Philosophy
Lijie Zeng PhD Psychology
Dr Yanni Zeng Research data analyst
Dr Luca Zenobi British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellow
Dr Tommaso Zerbi Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow
Dr Ana Zeron Teaching Fellow - Course Organiser (French) - Dissertation Supervisor for MSc in Language Education
Vanessa Zervogianni Usability Testing Assistant
Arthur (Mengzhen) Zhang
Feifei Zhang PhD Student
Jenny Zhang Tutor
Jiahao Zhang
Jiahua Zhang
Kejia Zhang
Leijun Zhang (PhD student)