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Name Role Business unit(s)
Mrs Jill Thomson Lecturer in Equine Practice
Joyce Thomson ECTU Chief Operating Officer
Judy Thomson
Katie Thomson Research Fellow
Katy Thomson Lecturer in Equine Practice
Kieran Thomson Student Experience & Communications Officer
Kirsty Thomson Teaching Fellow (History)
Linda Thomson (EdD student)
Professor Lindsay Thomson Personal Chair of Forensic Psychiatry; Director of the Forensic Mental Health Managed Care Network; Medical Director, The State Hospitals Board for Scotland
Lisa Thomson BREATHE Patient & Public Involvement Coordinator
Dr Lorna Thomson Director, Edinburgh Research Office
Marcus Thomson Poultry Technician
Marilyn Thomson Technician
Dr Pippa Thomson
Sara Day Thomson Digital Archivist
Sarah Thomson PhD Student- History
Stacey Thomson
Mr Zayne Thomson BSL Language Teaching Fellow @COL
Dr David Thong Teaching Fellow
Dr Jowita A. Thor CTPI Project Manager