Ms Heather Thomson
BVM&S Year 2 Administrator

Contact details
- Street
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Easter Bush Campus
United Kingdom - City
- Post code
- EH25 9RG
9:00am - 4:45pm Monday - Friday
I joined the VTO as the BVM&S Curriculum Administrator, Year 2 in July 2006. Since then my role has expanded to include Administration of the Intercalated Degree. I provide administrative support to Year 2 undergraduate students, academic staff and to students who do an Intercalated Degree. Ensuring the smooth running of all aspects of the Year 2 courses:
BVMS08051 The Animal Body (4) BVMS08056 Professional & Clinical Skills 2 BVMS08057 The Animal Body (3) BVMS08062 Animal Life & Food Safety 2 BVMS08063 Student Research Component (Foundation Skills)
Bachelor of Commerce
Responsibilities & affiliations
Curriculum Administrator, Year 2
Adminstrator for Intercalated Degrees
Teaching horse bookings