Alice Thomson
PhD Student/ Assistant Psychologist

Current PhD student and Assistant Psychologist at CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services), NHS Lothian. Previously studied undergraduate Psychology at Edinburgh and Mental Health Studies at King's College London.
When I'm not working, I like to be outside doing what makes me feel good! For me that's running, exploring, swimming in Scotland's cold waters and spending time with family & friends.
MA Psychology (hons)
MSc Mental Health Studies
Research summary
Broadly, my interests include attachment theory and psychological adaption to adverse social circumstances. Specifically, I'm interested in attachment processes in vulnerable young people, such as people attending health and social services for support. I'm also interested in developmental, psychological models of unusual experiences such as hearing things that might not really be there, or feeling that others wish harm.
Current research interests
Social withdrawal, attachment theory, mentalization, emotion regulation, inter-personal problems, young people, unusual experiences, psychosis, young people at-risk of homelessness, young people leaving care.Project activity
I'm currenly working on my PhD Project 'Psychological Processes in the Development of Social Withdrawal'. It is a cross-sectional cohort study of young people attending health & social services in Edinburgh and The Lothians. I am in the data collection phase at the moment which involves interviewing young people about their motivation and enjoyment in social interactions, childhood experiences and any odd or unusual experiences (e.g. hearing things that might not be there). So far I have met with and interviewed around 40 amazing young people and I am looking forward to meeting more over the coming months!
I have been helped out by some great organisations which provide support for young people in Edinburgh and the Lothians. These include:
- 6VT Youth Cafe
- LGBT Youth
- The Rock Trust
- Streetwork
- 4 Square Stopover
- Horizons/ Places for People
- Rowan Alba
- Health in Mind
If you are interested in hearing more about my project then please email me, I'll be delighted to hear from you.