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Name Role Business unit(s)
Miss Anne Brockington Tutor and Demonstrator Co-ordinator
Dr Sean Brocklebank Senior Lecturer
Cathryn Broderick Assistant Managing Editor | Systematic Review Methodologist
Tom Broderick
Dr Zara Brodie Lecturer in Applied Psychology
Carolyn Brodie Mackay Senior Donor Relations Officer
Aline Brodin archivist (cataloguing)
Kevin Brogan Head of Operations
Professor Mark Bronsvoort Personal Chair of Veterinary Epidemiology
Kate Brook Director of Advancement Operations, Development & Alumni
Laura Brook
Matthew Brook Principal Investigator (UoE/CVS) and PhD Programme Director/Lecturer (UoE/ZJE)
Ms Katy Brooks Reception admin
Chloe Brotherton
Dr Colin Brough Teaching Fellow in Physical Education
Jessica Brough PhD Psychology
Monique Brough Senior Administrator (Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies - Undergraduate and Postgraduate)
James Broughton
Aimee Brown PA/Administrator
Mr Alex Brown Core Scientist (Research Fellow)