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Name Role Business unit(s)
Professor Siân Bayne Professor of Digital Education
Katie Baynham
Joel Bazira
Sara Bea Research Fellow
Dr Simon Beames Honorary Fellow
Anezka Beamish Leskovcova Project Administrator
Dr Tim Bean Research Fellow
Dr Iona Beange Knowledge Exchange & Impact Officer; Post-Doctoral Research Fellow; Teaching Fellow MSc in Science Communication and Public Engagement
Kirstin Beard Veterinary Nurse - Ward based
Pip Beard Senior Lecturer and Principal Investigator
Andrew Bease Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Ani Beaton Administrator
Eleanor Beaton
Professor Cordelia Beattie Professor of Women's and Gender History; Medieval and Early Modern Britain
Laura Beattie Engagment Officer (Communities)
Laura Beattie The Politics of Household in Shakespeare's Comedies
Eric J Beck Phd Candidate in New Testament & Christian Origins
Katie Beckmann Lecturer in Wildlife Health and Conservation Medicine
Emma Becucci Contracts Officer
Jon Beer Manager of Student Administration