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Name Role Business unit(s)
Joyce Thomson ECTU Chief Operating Officer
Judy Thomson
Katie Thomson Research Fellow
Katy Thomson Lecturer in Equine Practice
Kieran Thomson Student Experience & Communications Officer
Kirsty Thomson Teaching Fellow (History)
Linda Thomson (EdD student)
Professor Lindsay Thomson Personal Chair of Forensic Psychiatry; Director of the Forensic Mental Health Managed Care Network; Medical Director, The State Hospitals Board for Scotland
Lisa Thomson BREATHE Patient & Public Involvement Coordinator
Dr Lorna Thomson Director, Edinburgh Research Office
Marcus Thomson Poultry Technician
Marilyn Thomson Technician
Dr Pippa Thomson
Sara Day Thomson Digital Archivist
Sarah Thomson PhD Student- History
Stacey Thomson
Mr Zayne Thomson BSL Language Teaching Fellow @COL
Dr David Thong Teaching Fellow
Dr Jowita A. Thor CTPI Project Manager
Dr Malcolm Thorburn Honorary Fellow