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Name Role Business unit(s)
Tara Kay Teaching Office: Postgraduate Teaching Administrator
David Kayes Lecturer in Veterinary Ophthalmology
David Kayes Resident in Ophthalmology
Nina-Lydia Kazakou
Farshid Kazemi (Un)Seeing the Body: The Dialectics of Embodiment and Eroticism in Iranian Cinema
Mr Fawz Kazzazi
Alan Kean Teaching Fellow in English for Academic Purposes
Dr Susanne Kean Lecturer in Nursing Studies, Programme Director MSc Advanced Nursing
Dr Patrick Kearns Rowling Scholar and ECAT PhD Fellow
Catriona Keay Teaching Administrator (Undergraduate)
Dr Fasil Getachew Kebede Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Chloé Keeble MSc in Digital Media Design
Dr Emma Keeble DVREP Senior Lecturer and Vet Clinician
Aileen Keel Honorary Professor
Professor John Keen Personal Chair of Equine Cardiovascular Medicine
Aoife Keenan Widening Participation Officer (Student Lifecycle)
Niamh S. R. Keenan
Catriona Keerie Assistant Statistical Director (Commercial)
Mrs Susan Keggie IRR Administrative Officer (CIR)
Marianne Keith Research Assistant