Tara Kay |
Teaching Office: Postgraduate Teaching Administrator |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
David Kayes |
Lecturer in Veterinary Ophthalmology |
David Kayes |
Resident in Ophthalmology |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Hospital for Small Animals
Nina-Lydia Kazakou |
- Centre for Regenerative Medicine
Farshid Kazemi |
(Un)Seeing the Body: The Dialectics of Embodiment and Eroticism in Iranian Cinema |
Mr Fawz Kazzazi |
Alan Kean |
Teaching Fellow in English for Academic Purposes |
- Centre for Open Learning
- English Language Education
Dr Susanne Kean |
Lecturer in Nursing Studies, Programme Director MSc Advanced Nursing |
Dr Patrick Kearns |
Rowling Scholar and ECAT PhD Fellow |
Catriona Keay |
Teaching Administrator (Undergraduate) |
Dr Fasil Getachew Kebede |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
- Linkedin
- orcid
- Google Scholar
Chloé Keeble |
MSc in Digital Media Design |
Dr Emma Keeble |
DVREP Senior Lecturer and Vet Clinician |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- The Dick Vet Rabbit and Exotic Practice
- The Roslin Institute
Aileen Keel |
Honorary Professor |
Professor John Keen |
Personal Chair of Equine Cardiovascular Medicine |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Clinical Sciences
- Functional Genetics and Development
- Equine medicine
- The Roslin Institute
Aoife Keenan |
Widening Participation Officer (Student Lifecycle) |
Niamh S. R. Keenan |
Catriona Keerie |
Assistant Statistical Director (Commercial) |
- Usher Institute
- Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit
Mrs Susan Keggie |
IRR Administrative Officer (CIR) |
Marianne Keith |
Research Assistant |