Pippa Innes |
Events & New College Administrative Officer |
Alexis Ioannou |
Maria Ioannou |
First year PhD Student |
Ana Ionescu |
Resident in Small Animal Medical Oncology |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Hospital for Small Animals
Pavel Iosad |
Professor |
Dr Faiz Iqbal |
Research Associate |
Dr Nathar Iqbal |
Student Adviser- Mechanical Engineering (BEng/MEng), Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (BEng/MEng) & MSc SES |
Unaiza Iqbal |
Zafar Iqbal |
Zipporah Iregi, RN (MscR Nursing Studies Student) |
Africa Regional Hub Lead, Nursing Now Challenge |
- LinkedIn
- Nursing Now Challenge
James Iremonger |
Teresa Ironside |
Director of Data Science Education |
- Bayes Centre
- Bayes Centre Education
- Data Science, Technology and Innovation
- Data Upskilling Short Courses
- Data Driven Innovation
Amy Irvine |
Kenny Irvine |
Senior Enquiry Management Assistant |
Robert Irvine |
Reader in Scottish Literature |
- English Literature
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Sian Irvine |
Trial Manager |
- Usher Institute
- Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit
Wilma Irvine |
Teaching Fellow in Primary PE: MAPE Programme Coordinator Year 1 |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Institute for Sport, Physical Education & Health Sciences (ISPEHS)
Alison Irving |
Communiations Manager |
- Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic
- Euan MacDonald Centre for MND Research
- SMC Research Centre for Learning Difficulties
- The MS Society Edinburgh Centre for MS Research
- CMVM Communications and External Engagement Team
- Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
Sarah Irving |
Palestinian nativism and national identity: Tawfiq Canaan, his critics and heirs |
Ms Jenni Irving McGrath |
PhD candidate in Genetics and Genomics |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies