Dr Andrina Inglis (EdD, CT, MSc, PGDE, BSc(Hons))
Teaching Fellow [Part-time]
- Moray House School of Education, IETL
- University of Edinburgh
Contact details
- Tel: 0131 651 6446
- Email: andrina.inglis@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Moray House School of Education, Charteris Land Rm 3.06
- City
- University of Edinburgh (Holyrood Campus)
- Post code
- EH8 8AQ
Appointments can be arranged by email.
Doctor of Education , Univeristy of Edinburgh
Chartered Teacher (Scotland)
MSc CEME, Napier University
PGDE Secondary (Mathematics), Moray House College of Education
BSc(Hons) Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University
Responsibilities & affiliations
Course Organiser for Dual and Double Subjects
- Course Organiser for Professional Studies
- PGDE Secondary Strand Leader
- Course Leader for Booster Enhancement course
- PGCE Secondary Route Leader
- PGDE Secondary Maths Course Leader
Undergraduate teaching
Previous Teaching has included:
MA Primary Programme:
- Education Studies 1B- Teaching, learning and the Curriculum for Excellence.
- Education 4: Professional Research in Education.
BEd Primary Programme:
- Supervision of Year 4 Dissertations.
BEd Secondary Education and Mathematics
Mathematics Subject Knowledge Enhancement [SKE] Courses
Postgraduate teaching
PGDE Secondary Programme:
- Curriculum and Pedagogy course (Mathematics Strand)
- Second and Double Subjects course
- Professional Studies Course, level 11, (2021-23), workshop group of 30 students.
- Lectures contributing to level 11 course above related to: Theories of Learning; Observation; Professional Enquiry; Numeracy Across the Curriculum (2008-10)
- Placement 1, Placement 2, and Placement 3 courses
Conceptualising Research Methods (2023-24)
Previous Teaching has included:
PGDE Primary Programme: (2021-23) Delivery of mathematics related workshops.
Research summary
- The mathematics education of secondary age learners.
- The effective use of ICT within the classroom
- Student teacher development from placement experiences.
- The role(s) of HEI in Initial Teacher Education of the future
Past research interests
• Mathematics teachers' conceptions of their actions with students on placement. • The use of IWB and VLE within the secondary mathematics classroom. • The role of the Chartered Teachers in Scottish education.Knowledge exchange
Provision of Case Studies for LTS website [now Education Scotland].
Conference details
National Conferences:
- 2003; 2004 - ‘Introducing the Interactive Whiteboard’, Scottish Learning Festival, Glasgow.
- 2011 - ‘Teaching Teachers: effective collaboration between ITE and schools’, Teachers Teaching with Technology [T3], Roehampton.
International Conference:
2012 - ‘Discussion: Is ITE educating mathematics student teachers in the use of Hand-Held Technology in the classroom sufficiently?’, Teachers Teaching with Technology [T3], Chicago.
- STEP Annual Conference, 2015-2018
- ACTS Annual Conference, ‘Exploring Leadership’ – National Education Conference, Stirling Management Centre, March 2014
- AMET Annual Conference, Birmingham, September 2010; 2011; 2012
- Scottish Schools Conference Organiser of ‘Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclass – A Day of Celebration’, University of Edinburgh, June 2010
Regular participant in SMC & MA annual conferences.
Papers delivered
- Teachers Teaching with Technology – International Conference, ‘Discussion: Is ITE educating mathematics student teachers in the use of Hand-Held Technology in the classroom sufficiently?’ Chicago, March 2012.
- Teachers Teaching with Technology – National Conference, ‘Teaching Teachers: effective collaboration between ITE and schools.’ University of Roehampton, July 2011.
- Scottish Mathematics Council Conference, ‘UK Mathematics Trust – The Team Challenge’, University of Stirling, March 2010.
- SETT: Scottish Learning Festival, ‘Introducing the Interactive Whiteboard’, SECC, September 2003; 2004.
Thesis title:
Mathematics teachers' conceptions of their actions with student-teachers