Somia Imran
Thesis title: Secondary Attachment and Mental Health in Pakistani and Scottish Adolescents

PhD supervisors:
I completed my PhD in Clinical Psychology (2015-2018) from the University of Edinburgh. My PhD research was focused on attachment relationships particularly secondary attachment, adolescents mental health/wellbeing across cultures, and scale development and validation. Further, during my clinical experience as an Assistant Psychologist (2017- August 2021), I have developed an interest in developing culturally informed psychological assessments and interventions. Previously, in my MSc in Applied Psychology (2012-2014), I examined the association of grandparent-grandchild relationship with empathy and depression in adolescent grandchildren in a mixed-methods study. Also, I have contributed (Research Assistant) to two exciting research projects: 1) Father Friendly Schools (2018; PI: Dr Gitit Kadar-Satat): A collaboration between the Fathers Network Scotland and the University of Edinburgh, and 2) Youth Art View (2017- 2019; PI: Dr Simona Di Folco): A qualitative exploration of youth perception of violence and terrorism through art. Recently (2020), I have contributed (project design, project administration and analysis plan) to an international research project "The Effect of Stress and Confinement on Immunity and Risk of Infection during the Covid-19 Pandemic".
Alongside my PhD, I have been involved in various teaching, mentoring, volunteering and leadership roles. As such, I am a multi-tasking person but also work with priorities, which enables me to perform various roles up to the mark. I am enthusiastic about establishing research collaboration locally, nationally and internationally, so get in touch if you are interested. In my free time, I do yoga, listen to music or spend time with my family.
Trainee Clinical Psychologist (2021-2024), Newcastle University, UK.
PhD in Clinical Psychology (2015-2018) supported by The College Research Awards, University of Edinburgh.
MSc in Applied Psychology (2012-2014) Fatima Jinnah Women University, Pakistan with the Gold Medal Award of Distinction.
Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC; 2019) of the British Psychological Society (BPS).
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA - 2019), University of Edinburgh.
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA - 2018), University of Edinburgh.
Responsibilities & affiliations
- Postgraduate Research Students Representative in the School of Health in Social Science (2017-2018) - I received the 'InspirED Student Award' for Exceptional Community Contributions as PGR Representative.
- Co-founder and Committee Member of the Scottish Developmental Psychology Network for Graduates (ScotDPN; Twitter: @Scot_DPN
- Assistant Psychologist at The Edinburgh Practice
- Peer review - Verified Reviews
- ECR Member of the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Member of the Centre for Applied Developmental Psychology (CADP)
- Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS)
- Associate Researcher at the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships
- Member of the Child and Youth Studies Research Group
Awards Nominations
1. Trainee of the year 2020, The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
2. Outstanding alumna 2020 Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
3. Best Student who Tutors EUSA Teaching award 2017-2018 & 2018-2019, University of Edinburgh.
4. Best Personal Tutor EUSA Teaching award 2018-2019, University of Edinburgh.
5. Best Teacher EUSA Teaching award 2019-2020, University of Edinburgh.
Postgraduate teaching
Course Tutor University of Edinburgh
- School of Health in Social Science (October 2016 – September 2019) Teaching and/or Marking
Research Methods in Applied Psychology (MSc)
Conceptual and Theoretical Psychology (MSc)
Evidence based Psychological Interventions (MSc)
Clinical Psychological Problems in Context (undergraduate)
Mental Health and Wellbeing in Nursing Studies (undergraduate)
- Moray House School of Education (September 2017- December 2017)
Child and Adolescent Development in Education
Mentoring Fellows of the Higher Education Academy, University of Edinburgh.
Past Mentees:
Research summary
- 2022
- Imran, S. & Jackson, S. (2022). Attachment relationships and psychological distress in young adults: The mediating role of self-esteem. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports.
- 2021
- Kyranides, M.N., Kokkinou, A., Imran, S. et al. (2021). Adult attachment and psychopathic traits: Investigating the role of gender, maternal and paternal factors. Current Psychology.
- 2020
- Imran, S., MacBeth, A., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. (2020). Secondary attachment and mental health in Pakistani and Scottish adolescents: A moderated mediation model. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice.
- Imran, S., MacBeth, A., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. (2020). Adaptation of the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (Short Form) for Pakistani Adolescents. J Psychol Psychother. 10: 375. doi: 10.35248/2161-0487.20.10.375
- Imran, S., MacBeth, A., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. (2020). Psychometric properties of the Experiences in Close Relationship Scale (short form) with Pakistani adolescents. J Psychol Psychother, 10: 379.
- Under review
- Imran, S., Haqqani, S., & Qadir, F. (under review). Predictors of empathy and depressive symptoms in adolescent grandchildren.
- Di Folco, S., Imran, S., Cooper, K., & Hackett, C. (under review). “Let it art!” The use of an Art Workshop to explore young people’s understanding of Terrorism in the News and Social Media.
- In Preparation
- Imran, S., MacBeth, A., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. Gender differences in attachment relationships and mental health in Pakistani and Scottish adolescents
- Imran, S., MacBeth, A., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. Adaptation of autonomy, competence and relatedness dimensions of the Psychological Wellbeing Scale for Pakistani adolescents
PhD Thesis: Secondary attachment and mental health in Pakistani and Scottish adolescents - Three empirical studies were conducted. Study One translated and validated western scales with 400 Pakistani adolescents. For studies Two and Three, parallel school surveys were conducted with independent samples of 510 Pakistani and 610 Scottish adolescents. Data were analysed using t-test, ANCOVA, Correlation, Linear Regression, Confirmatory Factor analysis, Parallel Mediation and Moderated Mediation.
MSc Thesis: Association of grandparent-grandchild relationship with empathy and depression in adolescent grandchildren: A mixed-methods study - A survey was conducted with 317 school adolescents and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 grandparents. Quantitative data were analysed using t-test, ANOVA, Correlation and Logistic Regression. Interviews were analysed using thematic analysis.
PgDip Dissertation: Primary attachment, secondary attachment, self-esteem and psychological distress in young adults: A mediation model - An online survey with 452 UK young adults.
Current project grants
1. Co-investigator; Project No: 2020/1.15 - HK$ 194,200 by the Research and Development Fund of the President`s Advisory Committee on Research and Development (PACRD) - Title: Self Compassion in adolescents across cultures - Validation of Self-compassion scale and Self-compassion scale for youth in Hong Kong, China and UK adolescents. Duration: 18 months
Invited speaker
"De-colonising Psychology: Cross-cultural Research into Secondary Attachment" October 2021 - organised by Durham's People of Colour Society, Durham University
Events Organised:
- "The Nuts and Bolts of Teaching; Within the PhD and Beyond" July 2021, as a Scottish Developmental Psychology Network committee member.
- "Virtual Social Event" February 2021, as a Scottish Developmental Psychology Network committee member.
- "ScotDPN Virtual Launch January 2021", as a Scottish Developmental Psychology Network committee member.
- "Condolence meeting", July 2019, supported by the School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh.
- “Mindfulness sessions for Early Career Academics”, June 2019, funded by The IAD Action Fund, University of Edinburgh.
- “Thinking Impact: Research Impact in Psychology and Beyond”, May 2019, funded by the Psychology Department, University of Dundee.
- “Early Career Academics Mental Health Awareness Day”, January 2019, funded by The IAD Action Fund, University of Edinburgh.
- "Let`s Talk about Viva Preparation", November 2018, funded by The InspirED Student Funding, School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh.
- "Postgraduate Research Conference", June 2018, supported by the School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh.
- “Knowledge Exchange & Networking Event”, September 2017, funded by The Innovation Initiative Grant, University of Edinburgh.
- “Knowledge Exchange & Networking Event for Postgraduates in the School of Health in Social Science”, June 2017, University of Edinburgh.
Institute of Mental Health International Conference, UCL 2020
Papers delivered
Conference Presentations
Imran, S., & Jackson, S. (2020). Attachment Relationships and Psychological Distress in Young Adults: The Mediating Role of Self-esteem. "Transforming Mental Health Science 2020" The 12th Annual Scientific Meeting of NHS Research Scotland Mental Health.
Kyranides, M., Kokkinou, A., & Imran, S. (2020). Adult Attachment Styles and Callous-Unemotional Traits: Investigating the Effect of Gender, Maternal and Paternal Factors. "Transforming Mental Health Science 2020" The 12th Annual Scientific Meeting of NHS Research Scotland Mental Health.
- Imran, S., MacBeth, A., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. (2019). Poster presentation "Secondary Attachment and Mental Health in Pakistani and Scottish Adolescents: A Moderated Mediation Model" at the NRS Mental Health Network Annual Scientific Meeting "Lost in Translation? Bringing research evidence to practice and policy".
- Imran, S., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. (2018). Poster presentation 'Validation Study with Pakistani Adolescents” at the School of Health in Social Science, PGR Conference 2018.
- Imran, S., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. (2017). Oral presentation “A Cross-cultural Study: Secondary Attachment and Mental Health in Pakistani & Scottish Adolescents” at the 12th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Roehampton University, London.
- Imran, S., Haqqani, S., & Qadir, F. (2017). Oral presentation “Understanding Inter-generational Symbiosis: The Role of Older Adults as Grandparents in Pakistan Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging” at the Aging and Society: Seventh Interdisciplinary Conference and the Aging and Society Research Network, University of California Berkley USA.
- Imran, S., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. (2017). Oral presentation 'Translation & Validation of ECR-12 to use with Pakistani Adolescents” at the School of Health in Social Science, PGR Conference 2017.
- Imran, S., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. (2017). Poster presentation “Secondary Attachment & Mental Health” at the Neuroscience Day 2017. See the abstract on
- Imran, S., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. (2016). Poster presentation “Secondary Attachment and Mental health” at the Annual scientific meeting of the Scottish Mental Health Research Network: Mental Health Research in The Digital Age.
- Imran, S., Quayle, E., & Chan, S. (2016). Oral presentation "Ph.D. study proposal presented at the School of Health in Social Science, PGR Conference 2016.
- Imran, S., Haqqani, S., & Qadir, F. (2015). Oral presentation "Association of grandparent-grandchild relationship with empathy and depression in adolescent grandchildren" at the 2nd Empathy conference 2015, University of Oxford.
- The Experiences of Early Career Academics (September 2021)
- Teaching Matters Blog (July 2020): "Mentoring for the Edinburgh Teaching Award" as part of the alumni reflections series.
- A News Story on the School of Health in Social Science website (January 2020).
- A Cross-cultural Examination of Attachment Relationships and Mental Health in Adolescents (January 2020) for The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH) Featured as the most read blog in the ACAMH's Newsletter on International Women's day 2020.
- Teaching Matters Blog (October 2019): "Enhancing Students` Self-determination: A Theory-Based Approach in Tutoring". Featured as No 2 among the top ten most-read Teaching Matters Blogs 2019.
- Teaching Matters Blog (November 2018): "Representing a Diverse Learning Community".
- From Meeting to Peer Mentorship (2018).
- Be a part of our Developmental Psychology Network (2017).
- Dr. Cheung Ho Nam Amy - Assistant Professor The Open University of Hong Kong
- Dr. Aneela Maqsood - Post Doc- Queen Mary University of London, UK. PhD, M.Phil, M.Sc; Head Dept. of Behavioral Sciences Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.