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Name Role Business unit(s)
Julia Cornes
Hannah Cornish Lecturer
Ms Louise Cornish Senior Lecturer in Equine Practice, Head of Equine Practice
Dr Alexander Corrigan Teaching Fellow
Andrea Corsinotti Deputy Facility Manager (Flow Cytometry)
Gulcin Coskun PhD Student: Forensic Anthropology
Jill Cossar Lecturer, Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology
Prof. Miguel Costa-Gomes Head of School, Professor of Economics
Dr Christopher Cotter Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
Tara Coughlan Events & Protocol Assistant
Shawn Coulman Communications Officer
Lucy Courage Programme Administrator
Joanna Courtney Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, CALL Scotland
Dr Glen Cousquer Lecturer and MSc Programme Co-ordinator in Conservation Medicine and One Health
Paula Couto PhD Student
Anna Couturier EuroStemCell - Digital Communications Manager
Jose Maria Covas Lima Cabral De Campos MScR Student
Briony Cowan Widening Participation Administrator
Dr. Kirsten Cowan Lecturer in Marketing
Lisa Cowan