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Name Role Business unit(s)
Karl Baldacchino
Ludwig Baldaszti
Dylan Balfour PhD Philosophy
Dominique Balharry Global Respiratory Health Research Manager
Angelica Balia PhD Linguistics and English Language
Flavia Balkwill Research Office Administrator
Kerry Balkwill Alumni Relations Marketing Officer
Dr Emily Ball MQ Research Fellow
Kathryn Ball Chair in Biochemistry and Cell Signalling
Victoria Ball Gift Shop & Visitor Centre Assistant Manager
Aileen Ballantyne Tutor
Margaret Ballantyne Research Fellow
Dr Cat Ballany Teaching Fellow (Biology), Tutor PGDE Biology
Tracy Ballinger Bioinformaticist
Viktoria Balogh
Evelyn Balsells PhD Student
Evelyn Balsells Hernandez PhD Student
Alberto Baltazar
Laura Bamford Veterinary Surgeon
Xueting Ban Tutor