Dr Emily Ball
MQ Research Fellow

- Street
Department of Psychiatry,
University of Edinburgh,
Royal Edinburgh Hospital, - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH10 5HF
In June 2024, I began an MQ Mental Health Post Doctoral Scholarship. My research uses large-scale data to identify risk factors for depression across the life-course. I am particularly interested in older adult health, and understanding the relationship between physical health and mental health in later-life.
PhD in Precision Medicine, University of Edinburgh
MSc in Molecular Neuroscience, University of Bristol
BSc (Hons) in Psychology, University of York
Undergraduate teaching
- 2023: Supervisor - BSc Biomedical Sciences projects (2 students)
- 2021: Course tutor - Research and Evidence-Based Medicine MBChB course
- 2020: Co-supervisor - BSc Biomedical Sciences projects (2 students)
Research summary
- Epidemiology
- Electronic health data
- Research ethics
- Systematic reviews
- Cochrane reviews
- Online surveys
Past research interests
My PhD aimed to identify acute stroke neuroimaging features associated with post-stroke dementia. I used systematic reviews, data-linkage studies, and online surveys to address my research questions.Conference details
2022: Presenter - Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh - Systematic review and meta-analysis course
2022: Poster - DATAMIND
2022: Presenter - Scottish Dementia Research Consortium - "Informing patients with acute stroke about their risk of dementia: A survey of healthcare professionals"
2021: Poster - UK Stroke Forum
2021: Presenter - Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh: Systematic review and meta-analysis course
2021: Presenter - Organisation for Psychological Research into Stroke - "Informing patients with acute stroke about their risk of dementia: A survey of healthcare professionals"
2020: Poster - UK Stroke Forum -"Predicting post-stroke cognitive impairment using acute CT neuroimaging: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
2020: Poster - European Geriatric Medicine Society - "Aromatherapy for dementia: Cochrane Review"