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Name Role Business unit(s)
Lisa Cowan
Claire Cowie Senior Lecturer
Carrie Cowley Communications and Marketing Manager
Dr Michael Cowley Senior Lecturer
Chris Cox Vice Principal Philanthropy and Advancement
Dan Cox (PhD student)
Fiona Cox (PhD student)
Glynnis Cox
Simon Cox Professor of Brain and Cognitive Ageing; Sir Henry Dale Fellow
Dr Christopher R Coxon Senior Lecturer in Medicinal Chemistry
Kate Coxon School Secretary
Professor Do Coyle Chair in Languages Education and Classroom Learning
Ros Craddock
Chloe Craig
Lauren Craig Trial Manager
Michael Craig
Dr Murray Craig Bicentennial Teaching Fellow - Strand Leader PGDE (Secondary) Physical Education
Neil Craig Clinical Research Fellow
Dr Nicky Craig Intern in Veterinary Dermatology
Emma Craigen Undergraduate Administrator