Dr Donncha Mullin (BSc (Hons), PhD, MBChB, MRCPsych)

Thesis title: Investigation of motoric cognitive risk syndrome for early identification of individuals at high risk of dementia


Donncha Mullin is a Psychiatry trainee and exercise enthusiast, having qualified first as a Physiotherapist before studying Medicine. He can be found running in the hills of Scotland but is native to Ireland. Dr Mullin undertook his Psychiatry Core Training years in Edinburgh but still feels a strong affinity to Glasgow, where he studied at undergraduate level.


PgC - Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership

MBChB - Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery

BSc (Hons) - Bachelor of Science (Honorary) in Physiotherapy

Responsibilities & affiliations

Trustee of Scotland-Malawi Mental Health Education Project

MRCPsych - Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 

Undergraduate teaching

Clinical Tutor Associate for medical students at the University of Edinburgh 

Postgraduate teaching

Teach statistics on MRCPsych Clinical examination course

Research summary


Motoric Cognitive Risk


Physical Activity


Global Mental Health

Current research interests

Dr Mullin was awarded a 3-year clinical fellowship PhD from the Royal College of Psychiatrists and Masonic Charitable Foundation to commence in July 2020 to investigate motoric cognitive risk syndrome for early identification of individuals at high risk of dementia

Knowledge exchange


Mullin DS & Stewart RC (2020) Malawi Quick Guide to Mental Health. Scotland-Malawi Mental Health Education Project. Scottish Government Department for International Development. https://edin.ac/3rHV0nH 


Poster Presentations

Mullin DS, Stirland L, Luciano M, Russ T & Muniz-Terrera G. Prevalence and Factors Associated with Motoric Cognitive Risk in a Community-Dwelling Older Scottish Population. Gerontological Society of America’s Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, Nov 2022.

 Mullin DS, Cockburn A, Welstead M, Luciano M, Russ T & Muniz-Terrera G. Motoric Cognitive Risk: more than a predictor of dementia. Gerontological Society of America’s Annual Scientific Meeting, online, Nov 2021. 

Mullin DS, Cockburn A, Welstead M, Luciano M, Russ T & Muniz-Terrera G. Motoric Cognitive Risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal cohort studies with older adults. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, online, Jul 2021. 

 Stirland LE, González-Saavedra L, Mullin DS, Ritchie CW, Muniz-Terrera G, Russ TC. Methods of measuring multimorbidity in community and population studies: Systematic review. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2019.

Mullin DS, Bhamra M, Cole R, Daudjee J, de Cates A, De Giorgi R, Hussain J, Lynall M, Pape S, Poole N, Sinclair L, Selwood J, Cuttle G. Connecting with the brain: promoting engagement of psychiatrists with neuroscience. Royal College of Psychiatrists Annual Medical Education Conference, Sep 2019.

Mullin DS & Turner E. Venothromboembolism (VTE) assessment of patients admitted to Old Age Psychiatry wards: how well are we doing?. Royal College of Psychiatrists Faculty of Old Age, Mar 2016.   

Conference details

Life-course psychiatric research:  New horizons, new perspectives and new directions. Mullin DS, Mendis S & Welstead M. Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congress, London, June 2021.

University of Edinburgh Division of Psychiatry, “Motoric Cognitive Risk, more than a predictor of dementia”, 2021 https://edin.ac/3uMEbtM 

Health Education and Activity – Lessening The Inequalities (HEAL-TI) In Mental Health. Richmond G, Kenny C, Ahmed J, Stephenson L, Lindsay J, Earls P, & Mullin DS. Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congress, London, June 2016.

 Increasing Awareness and Use of Electronic Clinical Alerts. Mullin DS & Caldwell G. Doctors Advancing Patient Safety (DAPS) Global Conference, Nov 2014. Oral and poster presentation. I received a commendation for this work in category of Best Technological Intervention.

 The influence of master’s level study on the professional practice and employability of physiotherapists. Mullin DS & Gray H. National CSP Congress, Oct 2008.  

Invited speaker

1.    Oct 2022 Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation NHS Trust Core Trainee Journal Club - invited by the organiser to speak on my recent publication "Prevalence and predictors of Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome in a community-dwelling older Scottish population" 

2.    RCPsych in Scotland Scottish National Psychiatry School, Aug 2021, “Academic Psychiatry” https://edin.ac/3HMJmO1  

3.    NHS Borders Psychiatry Meeting “Global Mental Health with Scotland-Malawi Mental Health Education Project”, 2021  

In the press

Coverage of my Alzheimer’s & Dementia paper Feb 2022:  •    Print 12th Feb 2022: The Times, The Scottish Daily, The Scotsman, The Herald •    Online: The Scotsman, The Herald, NeurscienceNews.com, NeuroRehab Times

Podcast host of “Methods Matter”, five episodes, released Sep 2022. Funded by National Institute of Health Research and National Centre for Research Methods. Available in usual podcast catchers as well as online https://edin.ac/3hH46ys or on YouTube https://edin.ac/3TAvN9J 

Dementia Platform UK (DPUK) Datathon podcast, 2020 https://edin.ac/3JfIKRe  

Nov 2022    Gerontological Society of America Poster Award GSA 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting

May 2022    European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees, Porto Research Award 2022 €1000

Jan 2022    Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland Researcher of the Year Award £500