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Name Role Business unit(s)
James C Porter
Dr Jason Porter Leverhulme Early Career Fellow; Ancient Greek Slavery
Lauren Porter Widening Participation Officer (Summer Schools)
Nicole Porter Project Manager
Nicki Porterfield Facilities Administrator
M Rosa Portero-Migueles
Jordan Portman
Nina Poth PhD Philosophy
Vasiliki Pothitou Admissions and Recruitment Manager
Dr Andrei Potlogea Lecturer in Economics
Ms Jannika Pott Marketing & Communications Manager
Maddy Potter Early Career Teaching and Research Fellow in the Long Nineteenth Century (Romanticism/Victorianism)
Rebecca Potts Exotic Animal Care Assitant
Dr Noushin Pouraghaei Teaching Fellow
Jessica Powell Core Scientist Research Fellow
Oscar Powell
Stephen Powell Data Acquisition Manager
Gareth Poxon IT Service Manager
Mr Inaki Prado Checa Professional Internship in Small Animal Cardiopulmonary Medicine
André Prado Fernandes