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Name Role Business unit(s)
Martin Pickering Professor
Siôn Pickering Sustainable Business & Fair Trade Programme Manager
Martyn Pickersgill Personal Chair of the Sociology of Science and Medicine | Director of Research
Lia Pickles BSc
Max Pickup Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Gabriele Piconi Ph.D. Post Doc Research Scientist
Kelly Pierce
Jeremy Piercy Tutor
Rowena Piers
Heather Pike Senior Equine Imaging Nurse
Teuta Pilizota
Dr Anna Pilz Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
Kate Pinault Teaching Fellow, English for Academic Purposes
Emma Pineau Postgrad Dvet Med/Adv Clinical Scholar Programmes Administrator
Hilary Pinnock Professor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine
Rute Pinto Chancellor's Fellow
Dr Giulia Pinton (she/her) Associate Tutor
Ian Piper Data Analyst
Sharon Piperno
Clara Pirie Student Recruitment Officer (Postgraduate)