Dr Catriona Pickard (BSc, MA, PhD, FSA Scot)
Senior Lecturer; Archaeological Science

Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 650 2372
- Email: Catriona.Pickard@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Room 03.08, William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School, Teviot Place
- City
- Post code
by email appointment
I graduated from the University of Aberdeen with a BSc (Hons) degree in Physics and an MA in Archaeology from the University of Edinburgh. I completed my PhD in Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh in 2002. I joined Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh in 2003 and was appointed Lecturer in 2012.
Undergraduate teaching
- Archaeology 1A [ARCA 08004] (Convenor)
- Archaeology 1B [ARCA08005] (Contributor)
- Archaeology 2A: Scotland before History [ARCA08013) (Contributor)
- Archaeology 2B: Archaeology in Action [ARCA08012] (Contributor)
- Human Origins (Convenor)
- Scientific Methods in Bio-Archaeology [ARCA10077] (Convenor)
Postgraduate teaching
- Analytical Methods in Human Osteology [PGHC11230] (Contributor)
- Biomolecular Archaeology [PGHC11428] (Convenor)
- Human Evolution (Convenor)
- Frontiers in Archaeology [PGHC11001] (Contributor)
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Current PhD students supervised
- PhD
- The Beaker Phenomenon in Northern Britain
- Co-supervisor
- Viva passed 2025
- PhD
- Reconstructing Human-Animal-Relationships in Eastern Mongolia and Beyond through integrating Zooarchaeology and Stable Isotope Analysis
- Secondary supervisor
- Viva passed 2025
- PhD
- Diet and wellbeing on Belarusian lands from Middle Ages to Modern Time (10th-19th centuries CE)
- Primary Supervisor
- PhD
- The Role of Animals in Early Urbanising Society: A Multiscalar Zooarchaeological Analysis of Faunal Remains from Late Chalcolithic Shakhi Kora, Iraqi-Kurdistan
- Secondary Supervisor
- PhD
Oral pathologies in two archaeological populations
Secondary Supervisor
Past PhD students supervised
- PhD
The Influence of Physiological Stress on Interpretations of Stable Isotope Ratios in Incremental Dentine Analysis. A study of two medieval Croatian populations: Dugopolje and Udbina.
Primary supervisor
Completed 2025
- PhD
- FRUITS, fish and millets: Diet and Cultural Change at Mesembria, Bulgaria, from Classical Greece to the Ottoman Conquest
- Primary supervisor
- Completed 2024
- PhD
- Bones of Transition: Faunal Examination of Iron Age-Roman Zooarchaeological Assemblages from East Wear Cliff, Kent.
- Secondary supervisor
- Completed 2024
- PhD
- Toil and Trade: Functional Bone Adaptation and Social Allocations of Labour in Urban Medieval Scotland
- Secondary supervisor
- Completed 2022
- PhD
- Determining ‘Age at Death’. A New Multidisciplinary Laboratory Method based on Ribs.
- Primary supervisor
- Completed 2020
- PhD
- The Geoarchaeology of Burnt Mounds: site formation processes, patterns, and duration
- Primary supervisor
- Completed 2019
- PhD
- The Archaeology of St Kilda
- Primary supervisor
- Completed 2019
- PhD
- Age estimation using thin sections of ribs from a modern Greek autopsy sample
- Secondary supervisor
- link
- PhD
- Stable isotopes in archaeology: the role of δ34S in the interpretation of ancient populations
- Primary supervisor
- Completed 2017
- PhD
- Iron production in the Iron Age in the nearer continent and Britain: a scientific analysis of smelting systems
- Secondary supervisor
- Completed 2017
- PhD
- Earthen Architecture in Bronze Age Crete
- Secondary supervisor
- Completed 2017
- PhD
- Heritability of facial morphology
- Secondary supervisor
- Completed 2016
- PhD
- Changing Coastal Landscapes of Sicily: the impact of sea-level change, natural catastrophe and geomorphological modification of the Sicilian coastline on the visibility of archaeological evidence for human occupation
- Secondary supervisor
- Completed 2016
- PhD
- An Experimental Study of Mesolithic Fishing Practices in Western Scotland
- Secondary supervisor
- Completed 2014
- PhD
- From raw materials to construction. Cremation technology and ritual in Bronze Age Scotland
- Secondary supervisor
- Completed 2014
- PhD
- Chronological and regional variability in chipped stone assemblages from Northern Britain
- Secondary supervisor
- Completed 2010
- MScR
- Coarse Stone Tools in Mesolithic Britain
- Primary supervisor
- Completed 2022
- MScR
- Plant Use in Mesolithic Britain
- Primary supervisor
- Completed 2022
- MScR
- New People, New Pots, New Worlds: The Beaker Phenomenon in Northern Britain and the Near Continent
- Joint supervisor
- Completed 2020
- MPhil
- Methods to Determine South African Holocene Seasonal Shellfish Use through Sclerochronology and O-isotope Analysis at the World Heritage Site, Pinnacle Point, Mossel Bay, South Africa.
- Primary supervisor
- Completed 2019
- MScR
- Age estimation using thin sections of clavicles from a modern Balkan autopsy sample.
- Secondary supervisor
- Completed 2018
- MScR
- Site Ecology and Environment at the Bradford Kaims
- Primary supervisor
- Completed 2015
- MScR
- Medieval Cod bone analysis, with specific reference to the North-Eastern coast of England and South East Scotland
- Secondary supervisor
- Completed 2011
Research summary
- Britain & Ireland
- Europe
- Near East
- Bioarchaeology & Human Origins
- Material Culture
- Medicine, Science & Technology
- Prehistory
Research interests
My research interests focus on analytical chemistry in archaeology, biomolecular archaeology, archaeogenetics and coastal archaeology and prehistoric fishing practices. Current research projects include:
- Characterisation of archaeological materials through optical microscopy, SEM-EDS and XRD/XRF
- Palaeodietary reconstruction and animal husbandry practices determined by stable isotope analysis
- Sulphur isotope analysis as a discriminant variable in palaeodietary reconstruction
- Investigation of the Late Glacial and Early Holocene occupation of western Scotland
Pickard C, Greenberg E, Barlow A, Smith E, Bonsall C, (in press) “Diet, DNA and the Mesolithic−Neolithic transition in western Scotland”. Invited Featured Article contribution. Humans. DOI: 10.20944/preprints202501.1248.v1
Moretti D, Ginnever M, Barlow A, Pickard C, (in press) Chapter 2. “Historical Background”. In Franklin J, (ed.) Living and dying in a Lancashire cotton town: excavation and analysis of the people buried at St Peter’s Church and Burial Ground, Blackburn, Lancashire. Headland Archaeology/British Archaeological Report.
Pickard C*, Barlow A*, Pickard B, Malwood S, (in press) Chapter 10. “Scientific Analyses”. In Franklin J, (ed.) Living and dying in a Lancashire cotton town: excavation and analysis of the people buried at St Peter’s Church and Burial Ground, Blackburn, Lancashire. Headland Archaeology/British Archaeological Report. (*joint first authorship)
Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2025. Chapter 11. “Britain and Ireland”. In Nilsson Stutz L, Stjerna RP, Tõrv M, (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Mesolithic Europe. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 192-212.
Dinnis R, Boulton J, Bates M, Chamberlain AT, Davies J, Hopkins R, Jimenez E-L, Masson-Maclean E, Mogg J, Parfitt S, Payne N, Pickard C, Stringer C, Walker EA, Williams D, French JC, 2023. “Report on the 2022 excavations at Wogan Cavern (Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, UK)”. Cave and Karst Science 50: 83–91. https://www.wogancavern.org/uploads/1/3/3/0/133004851/dinnis_et_al_2023_cks_wc22.pdf
Geber J*, Pickard C*, Macaud S, Sten S, Carlsson D, 2023. “King Olaf’s men?: Contextualising Viking burials at S:t Olofsholm, Gotland, Sweden”. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 33: 802–815. https://doi.org/10.1002/oa.3211 (joint first authorship)
Shaw B, Foggin S, Hamilton-Stanley P, Barlow A, Pickard C, Fibiger L, Oldham N, Tighe P, Kootker LM, Schrader S, Layfield R, 2023. “Antibody-based sex determination of human skeletal remains”. iScience 26: 108191. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.108191
Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2022. “Reassessing Neolithic Diets in Western Scotland”. Humans 2: 226-250. https://doi.org/10.3390/humans2040015
Pickard C, Shumilovskikh L, 2022. Molluscs. In Sauer EW, Nokandeh J, Rekavandi HO, (eds) Ancient Arms Race: Antiquity's Largest Fortresses and Sasanian Military Networks of Northern Iran. Oxbow, Oxford, 725–726.
Dinnis R, Boulton J, French J, Buckley M, Davies J, Herve M, Howells S, Jiminez E-L, Ludlow N, Masson Maclean E, Mogg J, Pickard C, Walker E, Williams D, Chamberlain A, Stringer C, 2022. “The archaeological potential of Wogan Cavern (Pembroke, UK): results of the first fieldwork season”. Cave and Karst Science 49: 65-72. https://bcra.org.uk/pub/candks/index.html?j=146
Patterson N, Isakov M, Booth T, et al., 2022. “Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age”. Nature 601: 588–594. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04287-4
Knight M, Sheridan A, Skoglund P, Booth T, Brown L, Reich D, Armit I, Bonsall C, Anastasiadou K, Boyle A, Buster LS, Oswald M, Carver H, Gilardet A, Kelly M, McCabe J, Montgomery J, Pickard C, Rhodes D, Silva M, Spall C, Williams M, 2021. A summary round-up list of Scottish archaeological human remains that have been sampled/analysed for DNA between January 2019 and November 2021. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 21: 201.
Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2020. “Post-glacial hunter-gatherer subsistence patterns in Britain: dietary reconstruction using FRUITS”. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12: 142. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-020-01087-1
Pickard C, 2020. Chapter 20. “Dariali Cemetery: stable isotope analysis”. In Sauer EW, Chologauri L, Gabunia A, Hopper K, Lawrence D, MacDonald E, Mashkour M, Mowat FA, Naskidashvili D, Pitskhelauri K, Priestman SMN, Shumilovskikh L, Simpson St-J, Tiliakou A, Abe Y, Batt C, Gagoshidze G, Gilmour B, Greenwood D, Pickard C, Poole I, Radu V, Snape L, Snyder R, Stoetzel E, Amiribeirami S, Astolfi M, Bailiff I, Beizaee Doost S, Bonato E, Clavel B, Debue K, Decruyenaere D, Diana A, Fathi H, Jajanidze R, Kamjan S, Kainaat T, Khazaeli R, Kranioti E, Lemoine M, Philip G, Shupe C, Shikaku R, Stern B, Dariali: The Caspian Gates in the Caucasus from Antiquity to the Age of the Huns and the Middle Ages: The joint Georgian-British Dariali Gorge excavations & surveys of 2013-2016. British Institute of Persian Studies Monograph Series, V.1-2, Oxbow, Oxford.
Osipov B, Alaica A, Pickard C, Garcia-Donas J, Marquez-Grant N, Kranioti E, 2020. “The effect of diet and sociopolitical change on physiological stress and behavior in late Roman‐Early Byzantine (300–700 AD) and Islamic (902–1,235 AD) populations from Ibiza, Spain”. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24062
Groom P, Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2019. “Early Holocene Sea Fishing in Western Scotland: An Experimental Study”. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 14: 426-450. https://doi.org/10.1080/15564894.2018.1521481
Alaica AK, Schalburg-Clayton J, Dalton A, Kranioti E, Echávarri GG, Pickard C, 2019. “Variability along the Frontier: Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratio analysis of human remains from the Late Roman-Early Byzantine cemetery site of Joan Planells, Ibiza, Spain”. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-018-0656-0
Pickard C, 2017. “Prehistoric Shellfish Exploitation in Coastal Western Scotland: The Shell Assemblages from Carding Mill Bay”. In Mărgărit M, Boroneanţ A, (ed) From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers. Human Adaptations at the end of the Pleistocene and the First Part of the Holocene. Papers in Honour of Clive Bonsall. Targovişte: Editura Cetates de Scaun, 409-424.
Pickard C, Boroneanţ A, Bonsall C, 2017. “Molluscan Remains from Early to Middle Holocene Sites in the Iron Gates Reach of the Danube, Southeast Europe”. In Allen MJ, (ed.) Molluscs in Archaeology: Methods, Approaches and Applications. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 179–194.
Pickard C, Girdwood L-K, Kranioti E, Marquez-Grant N, Richards M, Fuller B, 2017. “Isotopic Evidence for Dietary Diversity at the Mediaeval Islamic Necropolis of Can Fonoll (10th to 13th Centuries CE), Ibiza, Spain”. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 13: 1–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.03.027
Pickard C*, Caldeira C*, Harten N, Schoop U-D, Üstündağ H, Bartosiewicz L, Schachner A, 2017. “Reconstructing Iron Age to Roman Period Diet from Bioarchaeological Remains: Preliminary Results from Boğazköy, North-Central Anatolia”. In Schachner A, (ed.) Innovation Versus Beharrung Was Macht den Unterschied des Hethitischen Reichs im Anatolien des 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr.? Internationaler Workshop Zu Ehren Von Jürgen Seeher Istanbul, 23–24 Mai 2014. BYZAS 23. Istanbul: Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Istanbul, 239–256. (joint first authorship)
Bonsall C, Macklin C, Boroneanț A, Pickard C, Bartosiewicz L, Cook G, Higham T, 2016. “Rapid Climate Change and Radiocarbon Discontinuities in the Mesolithic–Early Neolithic Settlement Record of the Iron Gates Cause or Coincidence?” In Biehl PF, Milisauskas S, Dyson SL, (eds) Climate and Cultural Change in Prehistoric Europe and the Near East. Albany: State University of New York Press, 195–210.
Pickard C, 2016. Chapter 8. “Prehistoric Molluscan Remains from Tell Aqab, Northeast Syria”. In Yeshuran R, Weissbrod L, Marom N, Bar-Oz G, (eds) Bones and Identity: Zooarchaeological Approaches to Reconstructing Social and Cultural Landscapes in Southwest Asia. Oxford: Oxbow: 157–169.
Pickard C, Bartosiewicz L, Bonsall C, 2016. “Faunal Remains from the 1982–3 Investigations”. In Waddington C, Bonsall C, (ed.) Archaeology and Environment on the North Sea Littoral. A Case Study from Low Hauxley. Huddersfield: D & M Heritage, 169–174.
Pickard C, Schoop U-D, Bartosiewicz L, Gillis R, Sayle KL, 2016. “Animal Keeping in Chalcolithic North-central Anatolia: What Can Stable Isotope Analysis Add?” Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9: 1349–1362. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-016-0386-0
Pickard C, Schoop U-D, Dalton A, Sayle KL, Channell I, Calvey K, Thomas J-L, Bartosiewicz L, Bonsall C, 2016. “Diet at Late Chalcolithic Çamlıbel Tarlası, North-Central Anatolia: An Isotopic Perspective”. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 5: 296–306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.11.034
Bonsall C, Boroneanţ A, Evatt A, Soficaru A, Nica C, Bartosiewicz L, Cook GT, Higham TFG, Pickard C, 2015. “The ‘Clisurean’ Finds from Climente II Cave, Iron Gates, Romania”. Quaternary International 423: 303–314. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.12.017
Bonsall C, Cook C, Pickard C, McSweeney K, Sayle K, Bartosiewicz L, Radovanović I, Higham T, Soficaru A, Boroneanţ A, 2015. “Food for Thought: Re-Assessing Mesolithic Diets in the Iron Gates”. Radiocarbon 57: 1–11. https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_rc.57.18440
Bonsall L, Pickard C, 2015. “Palaeopathology and Stable Isotope Reconstruction of Diet in a Skeletal Population from Late Roman Winchester, England”. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2: 128–140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.01.009
Bonsall C, Vasić R, Boroneanț A, Roksandic M, Soficaru A, McSweeney K, Evatt A, Aguraiuja Ü, Pickard C, Dimitrijević V, Higham T, Hamilton D, Cook G, 2015. “New AMS 14C Dates for Human Remains from Stone Age Sites in the Iron Gates Reach of the Danube, Southeast Europe”. Radiocarbon 57: 1–14. https://doi.org/10.2458/azu_rc.57.18188
Pickard C, 2015. “The Mortuary Population: Stable Isotope Analysis of Human and Animal Remains”. In Peltenburg E, Jerablus Tahtani I: Early Bronze Age Mortuary Practices and Social Reproduction in the Middle Euphrates Valley. Levant Supplementary Series Volume 17. Council for British Research in the Levant, 112–114.
Sauer EW, Pitskhelauri K, Hopper K, Tlilakou A, Pickard C, Lawrence D, Diana A, Kranioti E, Shupe C, 2015. “Northern Outpost of the Caliphate: the Archaeology of the Alan Gates (Dariali Gorge in Georgia)”. Antiquity 89: 885–904. https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2015.80
Semelidou E, Kranioti E, Nathena D, Pickard C, MacKinnon K, Gambaro L, Michalodimitrakis M, 2015. “Reconstructing the Diet of a Burial Group found in a Venetian Cemetery at the Lasithi Plateau”. In Karanastasi, P., Tzigounaki, A. and Tsigonaki C, (eds) Archaeological Work in Crete 3. University of Crete, 671–677.
Bonsall C, Macklin MG, Boroneanţ A, Pickard C, Bartosiewicz L, Cook GT, Higham TFG, 2014. “Holocene Climate Change and Prehistoric Settlement in the Lower Danube Valley”. Quaternary International 378: 14–21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2014.09.031
Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2014. “Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Shell Middens in Western Scotland: A Comparative Analysis of Shellfish Exploitation Patterns”. In Roksandic M, Mendonça S, Eggers S, Burchell M, Klokler D, (eds) The Cultural Dynamics of Shell Middens and Shell Mounds: a worldwide perspective. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 251–266.°
Semelidou E, Pickard C, MacKinnon K, Kranioti E, Nathena D, Langstaff H, Gambaro L, Michalodimitrakis M, 2014. “Diet Reconstruction from a Venetian Period Population from Agios Georgios, Lasithi”. In Psilaki E, Drakakis M, (eds) Εν Γορτύνη και Αρκαδία εγένετο, Messara, Crete, Greece. Proceedings of the 1st International Multidisciplinary Conference on the history and Civilisation of Southern Crete. Heraklion, 577–582. [Paper in Greek.] S
Bonsall C, McSweeney K, Payton RW, Pickard C, Bartosiewicz L, Boroneanț A, 2013. “Death on the Danube: Late Mesolithic Burials at Schela Cladovei, Romania”. In Comșa A, Bonsall C, Nikolova L, (eds) Facets of the Past: The Challenge of the Balkan Neo-Eneolithic. București, Academia Academiei Române: 55–67.
Bonsall C, Mlekuž D, Bartosiewicz L, Pickard C, 2013. “Early Farming Adaptations of the Northeast Adriatic Karst”. In Colledge S, Conolly J, Dobney K, Manning K, Shennan S, (eds) The Origins and Spread of Domestic Animals in Southwest Asia and Europe. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press, 145–160.
Bonsall C, Pickard C, Groom P, 2013. “Boats and Pioneer Settlement: The Scottish Dimension”. Norwegian Archaeological Review 46: 87–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00293652.2013.777102
Pickard C, Schoop U-D, 2013. “Characterization of Late Chalcolithic Micro-Beads From Çamlibel Tarlasi, North-Central Anatolia”. Archaeometry 55: 14–32. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4754.2012.00672.x
Vaughan M, Bonsall C, Schoop U-D, Bartosiewicz L, Pickard C, 2013. “Variation in the Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Signatures of Sus scrofa domesticus Remains from Prehistoric Sites in the Near East and Central Europe”. Archeometriai Műhely 2013/X./4: 307–312.
Bonsall C, Boroneanţ A, Soficaru A, McSweeney K, Higham T, Miriţoiu N, Pickard C, Cook G, 2012. “Interrelationship of Age and Diet in Romania’s Oldest Human Burial”. Naturwissenschaften 99: 321–325. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00114-012-0897-1
Bonsall C, Pickard C, Ritchie G, 2012. “From Assynt to Oban: Some Observations on Prehistoric Cave Use in Western Scotland”. In Bergsvik K-A, Skeates R, (eds) Caves in Context: The Cultural Significance of Caves and Rockshelters in Europe. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Leighton R, Pickard C, 2012. “Daub and Plaster”. In Leighton R, Morgantina and the Archaeology of Houses: Excavations on the Cittadella from 1989-2004. Vol. 15, Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy. London: Accordia Research Institute, 119–125.
Pickard C, 2012. “The Molluscan Assemblage”. In Leighton R, Morgantina and the Archaeology of Houses: Excavations on the Cittadella from 1989-2004. Vol. 15, Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy. London: Accordia Research Institute, 179–185.
Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2012. “A Different Kettle of Fish: Food Diversity in Mesolithic Scotland”. In Collard D, Morris J, Perego E, (eds) Food and Drink in Archaeology 3. Totnes: Prospect Books, 76–88.
Schoop U-D, Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2012. “Radiocarbon Dating Chalcolithic Büyükkaya“. Archäologischer Anzeiger 2012: 115-120.
Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2012. “The Marine Molluscs”. In Saville A, Hardy K, Miket R, Ballin TB, (eds) An Corran, Staffin, Skye: A Rockshelter with Mesolithic and Later Occupation. Edinburgh: Scottish Archaeological Internet Report (SAIR) 51: 62–69. Doi:10.5284/1017938.
Benjamin, J., Bonsall, C., Pickard, C. and Fischer, A. (eds) 2011. Underwater Archaeology and the Submerged Prehistory of Europe. Oxford: Oxbow.
Benjamin J, Bonsall C, Pickard C, Fischer A, 2011. “Preface”. In Benjamin J, Bonsall C, Pickard C, Fischer A, (eds) Underwater Archaeology and the Submerged Prehistory of Europe. Oxford: Oxbow, xii–xiii.
Fischer A, Benjamin J, Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2011. “Epilogue”. In Benjamin J, Bonsall C, Pickard C, Fischer A, (eds) Underwater Archaeology and the Submerged Prehistory of Europe. Oxford: Oxbow, 332–338.
Pickard C, Pickard B, Bonsall C, 2011. “Autism in Prehistory”. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 21: 357–64. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0959774311000412
Bonsall C, Cook GT, Pickard C, McSweeney K, Bartosiewicz L, 2009. “Dietary Trends at the Mesolithic–Neolithic Transition in North-west Europe”. In Crombé P, Van Strydonck M, Sergant J, Boudin M, Bats M, (eds) Chronology and Evolution within the Mesolithic of North-West Europe. Proceedings of an International Meeting, Brussels, May 30th - June 1st, 2007. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 539–562.
Cook GT, Bonsall C, Pickard C, McSweeney K, Bartosiewicz L, 2009. “The Mesolithic–Neolithic Transition in the Iron Gates, Southeast Europe: Calibration and Dietary Issues”. In Crombé P, Van Strydonck M, Sergant J, Boudin M, Bats M, (eds) Chronology and Evolution within the Mesolithic of North-West Europe. Proceedings of an International Meeting, Brussels, May 30th - June 1st, 2007. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 497–515.
Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2009. “Some Observations on the Mesolithic Crustacean Assemblage from Ulva Cave, Inner Hebrides, Scotland”. In Burdukiewicz JM, Cyrek K, Dyczek P, Szymczak K, (eds) Understanding the past. Papers offered to Stefan K. Kozłowski. Warsaw: University Press Warszawa, 305–314.
Bonsall C, Radovanović I, Roksandic M, Cook G, Higham T, Pickard C, 2008. “Dating Burials and Architecture at Lepenski Vir”. In Bonsall C, Boroneanţ V, Radovanović I, (eds) The Iron Gates in Prehistory. New Perspectives. BAR International Series 1893. Oxford: Archaeopress, 175–204.
Pickard C, Pickard B, Bonsall C, 2008. “Reassessing the Mitochondrial DNA Evidence for Migration at the Mesolithic–Neolithic Transition”. In Tomaszewski AJ, Sulgostowska Z, (eds) Man – Millennia – Environment. Studies in honour of Romuald Schild. Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 53–58.
Bonsall C, Horvat M, McSweeney K, Masson M, Higham TFG, Pickard C, Cook GT, 2007. “Chronological and Dietary Aspects of the Human Burials from Ajdovska Cave, Slovenia”. Radiocarbon 49: 727–740. https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/radiocarbon/article/view/2968
Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2007. “Late Mesolithic Coastal Fishing Practices: the Evidence from Tybrind Vig, Denmark”. In Hårdh B, Jennbert K, Olausson D, (eds) On the Road. Studies in Honour of Lars Larsson. Festschrift in Honour of Lars Larsson. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia. Lunds universitet: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 176–183.
Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2004. “Deep Sea Fishing in the European Mesolithic: Fact or Fantasy?”. European Journal of Archaeology 7: 273–290. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461957104056504
Bonsall C, Cook GT, Hedges REM, Higham TFG, Pickard C, Radovanovic I, 2004. “Radiocarbon and Stable Isotope Evidence of Dietary Change from the Mesolithic to the Middle Ages in the Iron Gates: New Results from Lepenski Vir”. Radiocarbon 46: 293–300. https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/radiocarbon/article/view/4269
Bonsall C, Lennon R, McSweeney K, Stewart C, Harkness D, Boroneanţ V, Bartosiewicz L, Payton R, Chapman J, 1997. “Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in the Iron Gates: a Palaeodietary Perspective”. Journal of European Archaeology 5: 50–92. https://doi.org/10.1179/096576697800703575
Haponava V, Pickard C, 2024. “North East Europe and Northern Asia (NEENA) Isotope Database”, IsoMemo Dataset. https://isomemo.shh.mpg.de/about/
Other Outputs & Service Contract Reports
Pickard C, 2025. “Wogan Cavern (2023 and 2024 excavations) – the marine molluscs”. For Dinnis R, (University of Wales, Saint David).
Pickard C, Mark D, Kelly A, 2024. “Strontium Stable Isotope (87Sr/86Sr) Analysis of an Individual from Middle Chalcolithic Tel Tsaf, Israel – a preliminary Report”, pp. 13. Report for Prof. Danny Rosenberg, Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa, Israel.
Pickard C, Barlow A, Bendrey R, 2024. “Stable isotope analyses of Northstowe horse bone”, pp.14. Service/Report for Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Cambridge, UK.
Dùthchas Ulbha Research Community, 2023. “Eilean Ulbha. A desk-based survey of sites of Archaeological and Historical Significance”, pp. 92.
Pickard C, 2023. “Wogan Cavern (2022 excavation) – the marine molluscs”. For Dinnis R (University of Wales, Saint David).
Lancaster D, Muser L, Pickard C, 2022. “Camas Daraich Beach and Otters Cave, Sleat Point, Skye - the molluscan assemblage”, pp. 11. Report for Karen Hardy, University of Glasgow, UK.
Pickard C, 2022. “Wogan Cavern (2021 excavation) – the marine molluscs”. For Dinnis R (University of Wales, Saint David).
Pickard C, Bonsall C, 2019. “1495 Old College Quadrangle: stable isotopes and 14C dates”, pp. 27. Report for Addyman Archaeology, Edinburgh, UK.
Pickard C, 2018. “Governor’s Yard, Edinburgh Castle – the molluscan assemblage”, pp 6. Report for Historic Environment Scotland, Edinburgh, UK.
Pickard C, Barlow A, Dalton A, 2017. “Preliminary Report on Diet and Inequality in a 19th Century Provincial Population: Service Stable Isotope Analysis of Bone Collagen Samples from St. Peter’s Burial Ground, Blackburn”, pp. 12. Report for Headland Archaeology, Edinburgh, UK.
Mawlood S, Pickard B, Pickard C, 2016. “Service Extraction and Analysis of Ancient Bone DNA Samples from Excavations at St Peter’s Burial Ground, Blackburn”, pp. 11. Report for Headland Archaeology, Edinburgh, UK.
Pickard C, Thomas G, and Groom P, 2016. “Targeted Survey of Aird Glass (Starvation Point), Isle of Ulva, Argyll and Bute”, pp 6. Report for Tessa and Jamie Howard. Ulva House, Ulva Island, Mull, Argyll and Bute.
Pickard C, 2014. “Tamara Cemetery – Preliminary Stable Isotope Report”. Report for Sauer EW, University of Edinburgh. Contribution to excavation report: Sauer EW, Pitskhelauri K, Lawrence D, Licheli V, Wilkinson TJ, MacDonald E, Erskine G, Koberidze K, Hopper K, Gotsiridze K, Ingle, Chologauri GL, Intagliata E, Gabunia A, Van Rensburg JJ, Gagoshidze D, Greenwood D, Mowat F, Priestman S, Usher-Wilson S, The Caucasian Gates: Gateway and Barrier between Iberia, Persia and the Steppes of Eurasia: the excavations of 2013, 51–56.
Pickard C, 2009. “The Macrobotanical Assemblage from the Submerged Prehistoric Woodlands of Loch Tay”, pp. 3. Report for The Crannog Centre, Loch Tay, UK.
Pickard C, 2008. “Colonsay Airfield (RA 05062), Isle of Colonsay, Argyll & Bute (NGR: NR 359 930). The Marine Molluscs”, 15 pp. Report for Rathmell Archaeology, Kilwinning, UK.
Pickard C, 2008. “Colonsay Airfield (RA 05062), Isle of Colonsay, Argyll & Bute (NGR: NR 359 930). The Terrestrial Molluscs”. Report for Rathmell Archaeology, Kilwinning, UK, 6 pp.
Pickard C, Bonsall C, 1999. “The Marine Molluscs from the Archaeological Site at An Corran, Staffin, Skye”. Report for Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, 10 pp.