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Name Role Business unit(s)
Evangelia Virginia Chaldaiaki Undergraduate Student in Biological Sciences at University of Edinburgh
Annita Chalka Post-doctoral Research Associate
Antonia Chalka PhD Candidate
Claire Chalmers Senior Academic Services Administrator
Gordon Chalmers Visitor Centre Manager
Ms Katie Chalmers Registered Veterinary Nurse - General Rotation
Sarah Chalmers External Affairs Assistant
Ian Chambers Professor of Pluripotent Stem Cell Biology
Mr Tom Chambers Admin Assistant to the Head of History & Cover Receptionist
Tom Chambers Clinical Lecturer
Victor Chamosa Pino
Bill Cheuk Long Chan PhD Psychology
Kit Chan Chancellor's Fellow & Reader
Maggie Chan (PhD student)
Sarah Chan Reader | Chancellor's Fellow
Soo Chin Chan
Stella Chan Reader in Clinical Psychology
Yin Chan
Professor Amy Chandler Professor of the Sociology of Health and Illness
Dr. Colin Chandler Lecturer