Dr. Colin Chandler



I joined the University of Edinburgh in July 2013 as Lecturer in Life Sciences and from September 2013 took on the role of PGR co-ordinator for the School. I initially studied physiology at Newcastle University and completed my doctorate in Neuroscience with a thesis entitled ‘The neural control of arm movement’.

I taught Anatomy at Newcastle for 3 years before moving to Northumbria University (formerly Newcastle Polytechnic) to teach life sciences and research methods to Allied Health Professions students’. I led the redevelopment of postgraduate taught programmes within the school and managed postgraduate research as the postgraduate director.

 I contributed to the national debate over early career researcher development through Vitae with my involvement in the Implementation and Evaluation Group, a sector working group, drawn from a range of HEIs and other relevant stakeholders, with a mission to ‘propose meaningful and workable ways of evaluating the effectiveness of skills development in early career researchers’.

I have maintained an active research profile throughout my career and have successfully supervised 20 PhD, 5 MPhil, 1 Professional Doctorate students and mentored 3 PhD by Publication students. I have research links with India, Nepal, Thailand and South Africa.