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Name Role Business unit(s)
Cathy Frossard Marketing and Recruitment Manager, School of Divinity
Helen Frost Research Fellow (ACRC)
Dr Lucas Frungillo Lecturer in Plant Biotechnology
Professor Deborah Fry Global Director of Data, Childlight - Global Child Safety Institute / Personal Chair, International Child Protection Research
Jianing Fu (PhD student)
Yi Fu PhD in Chinese Studies
Andrea Carolina Fuentes Pacheco PhD Student
Adolfo Fuentes Werlinger
Rae Fujimori
Takeshi Fujisawa Research Fellow
Rev Dr Michael Fuller Lecturer in Science and Religion
Dr Paul Fuller Teaching Fellow in Buddhist Studies
Allan Furic (BA, MPhil, MSc)
Jane Furness MA DipILS MCLIP Academic Support Librarian (The 5 schools of Edinburgh College of Art: History of Art, Design, Art, Music, and Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture)
James Furniss Research Associate
Anna Fürtjes Research Associate
Maria Fusco
Dr Ian Fyfe Senior Lecturer
Jasmine Fyfe Operations Administrator
Julie Fyffe Institute Administrator