Stacie Friend


  • Philosophy
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

Contact details



Room 9.07

40 George Square, Edinburgh
Post code


  • Spring 2025: Fridays 14.10-16.00, and by appointment.
    NB. I will be holding a coursework dissertation meeting on Friday 24 January in lieu of office hours.


I joined the University of Edinburgh in 2023, after teaching at Birkbeck, University of London (from 2014). I have also taught at Heythrop College, University of London;  Washington & Jefferson College in Washington, Pennsylvania; and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, as a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow. I received my PhD from Stanford University in 2002. 


Responsibilities & affiliations

I am currently an Editor of the journal Analysis and until recently the President of the British Society of Aesthetics (2018 to 2024). I have also directed the interdisciplinary research project 'Art Opening Minds: Imagination and Perspective in Film', funded by the Templeton Religion Trust (2022-2023), and been a co-investigator on a three-year Leverhulme Trust research project on 'Learning from Fiction' (2018-2022).

Research summary

My research is at the intersection of aesthetics, language and mind, especially as these pertain to our engagement with works of fiction. I have  published widely on such topics as the cognitive and aesthetic values of literature and film; the distinction between fiction and nonfiction; emotional and imaginative responses to narratives;  representations of reality in fiction; and the intentionality of thought and discourse about the non-existent, including fictional characters. Pre-print versions of many of my papers are available at PhilArchive (