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Name Role Business unit(s)
Shareen Forbes Professor of Diabetic Medicine
Stuart Forbes Director, Institute for Regeneration and Repair and Centre for Regenerative Medicine
Andrea Ford Wellcome Trust Research Fellow in Humanities and Social Science
Annie Ford PA to Vice-Principal Philanthropy and Advancement
Sarah Ford-Hutchinson Head of SRS Communications
Dr Kenneth Fordyce Co-Head of Institute for Language Education / Lecturer in Language Education
Maria Forlenza Professorial Group Leader in Immunology
Fabrizio Formichella DDI Entrepreneurship Programme Administrator
Joana Formosinho Interdisciplinary Research Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and Society
Colin Forrest Senior Project and Programme Manager
Emma Forrest Teaching Office: Undergraduate Teaching Services Coordinator
Jill Forrest Loans Registrar and Museums Support Officer
Ms Julie Forrest Lecturer in Farm Animal Health
Mrs Niky Forrest Veterinary Nurse - Weekend
Susan Forrest Widening Participation Officer (Summer Schools)
Dr Tana Forrest Teaching Fellow in Sociology (Race, Ethnicity and Decolonial Thought)
Alain Forrester Service Manager
Lesley Forrester
Dr Maia H Forrester Lecturer in Medical Education (Clinical Educator Programme tutor)
Ruth Forrester Lecturer in Mathematics Education