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Julie Robertson Director of Professional Services, School of Divinity
Kate Robertson
Katie Robertson MScR Psychology
Katie Robertson Research Grants Administrator
Kerry-Ann Robertson Energy Assistant
Mrs Louise M Robertson Accounts Officer, Finance & Procurement, School of Biological Sciences
MacKenzie Robertson Edinburgh Mental Health Network Coordinator
Megan Robertson
Neil Robertson
Professor Neil Robertson Head of Inorganic Section; Dean of International Partnerships for College of Science & Engineering
Professor Nikki Robertson Professor of Perinatal Neuroscience & Honorary Consultant Neonatologist
Rebecca Robertson PhD Student
Roy Robertson Professor of Addiction Medicine
Dr Zoè Robertson Head of Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership (ETL)/Senior Lecturer Educational Leadership and Learning
Lynne Robertson-Rose Research Fellow
Dr Guillaume Robin Senior Lecturer
Benedict Robin-D'Cruz Iraq's Reform Movement: Protest, Political Activism and the Public Sphere
Cara Robinson Exotic Animal Teaching Technician
Colan Robinson Teaching Fellow
David S. Robinson Visiting Lecturer & Tutor, School of Divinity