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Name Role Business unit(s)
Alix Rolfe Director of GP Undergraduate Teaching (Senior Clinical Lecturer)
Mr Gordon Rolland Senior Site Security Officer
Sabine Rolle Personal Chair of Student Learning (Interdisciplinary Education)
Ms Cristina Roman Graduate School Administrator (PGT History Programme Support)
Andrzej Romaniuk PhD Student - Archaeology
Dr Liana Romaniuk Senior Clinical lecturer
Dr Tanja Romankiewicz Chancellor's Fellow and Lecturer in Archaeology, EFI Research Affiliate; Prehistoric and Roman Archaeology
Cari Romans Learning Technology Support Officer
Kenny Roper Business Support Co-ordinator
Mrs Jo Rorrison Veterinary Nurse - Oncology
Irene Ros Tutor
Irene Ros
Dr Roger Ros Freixedes
Dr Roseanne Rosario Ovarian biology and female fertility
Jemma Roscoe Exotic Animal Teaching Technician
David Rose PhD Student - Classics
Ms Erica Rose Secretary
Matt Rosenbaum Student--MSc Digital Sociology
Dr. Tracey S. Rosenberg Writer in Residence
Dr Claudia Rosenhan Lecturer (Teaching and Scholarship)