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Staff news 2016
Staff news articles published in 2016.
Staff Pride Network Newsletter
Award marks decade of catering excellence
Principal to join homeless charity event
Festive vet appeal aids homeless pet owners
Quality at heart of new investment
Women in Homelessness
Scientist wins Swiss research prize
Festive networking event
What does good teaching look like?
Academic wins Downing Street award
Christmas closure 2016
Transgender Remembrance Day event
Carol Service 2016
NHS Shuttle Service
Start-up wins Facebook social impact award
Court meeting: 26 September 2016
Million pound fund aids zero carbon bid
French Minister visits for Brexit talks
Staff Pride Network seminar and networking
Counselling centre opens its doors
Online payslips
Festival celebrates Gaelic community
Beacons send signal of hope to Aleppo
Expanded lecture recording system
Be Bright Be Seen
Join the newly reformed Staff Pride Network
On Foot By Bike
Parking permits 2017
Strategic Plan 2016
Grzegorz Kudla selected for EMBO Young Investigator Programme
Code of Practice for the Management and Career Development of Research Staff
Teaching Matters
Public consultation on the Former Surgical Hospital
New chief executive takes up post at ERI
New postgraduate school brochures
Principal to speak at Europe event
Brochure offers introduction to the University
Education award for innovative programme
Awards for supporting women in science
Black History Month 2016
Guidance on ‘phishing’ scams
Nobel award for chemistry alumnus
Africa Week 2016
Edinburgh graduate to premiere health film
University to buy former fire service headquarters
Genetics expert receives Shaw Prize
Vet recognised for animal welfare efforts
Update on Service Excellence Programme
Morag Hunter (1951 – 2016)
Staff Pride Network social event
Information Security Week
Mentoring scheme open to all staff
Chancellor’s winners announced
Court meeting: 20 June 2016
Senate meeting: 28 September 2016
Edinburgh Research & Innovation
Innovation Initiative Grants
Take part in Go Connect
Talbot Rice Gallery welcomes new Director
Dignity and Respect Statement
New Director of Centre for Cultural Relations
Rugby club to contest oldest match
Literary scholar joins Spanish Royal Academy
Brexit conversations begin around Edinburgh
Update: 2016/17 national pay negotiations
Funds for overseas career development
Japan science link-ups receive £10,000 prizes
Legal Advice for EU staff
Engineer wins teaching innovation award
Staff Benefits Scheme (SBS) consultation
College renamed to reflect growth in arts
Leadership scheme for women opens
Lecturer wins prestigious dentistry award
Informatics expert joins Robot Wars judges
Academics join Royal Society’s academy
2016 Principal's Medals winners
Principal's Medals awarded
EUSA campaign wins education award
EU Referendum: open meetings
Review of the Academic Year
LGBT Staff Network
Take part in Deep Time
Train strike action
EU Referendum film
EU Referendum: Town Hall meetings
Academic wins prize for research impact
EU Referendum
Festival Fringe Traffic Management
Message from the Principal
Train strike action
Edinburgh First accredited by VisitScotland
Senior staff in Queen's Birthday Honours
National Bike Week 2016
Film fest showcases University talent
Court meeting: 25 April 2016
Shaw Prize awarded to genetics expert
Old College Law School refurbishment
2016/17 national pay negotiations
University shortlisted for trio of awards
EU referendum initiatives
Service Excellence Programme
Advice Place survey
Overseas funding scheme launched
On-campus internships hit record high
Innovation Initiative Grants awards
Senate meeting: 1 June 2016
2016/17 national pay negotiations
Staff sustainability survey
Health team wins research award
Chemist wins prestigious award
Teaching Matters blogpost
Discounted EIF tickets
Review of the Academic Year – Consultation
Train travel discount
Teaching winners honoured
New look for University's website
Edinburgh school closures
Vets recognised for efforts to improve animal care
Catering team wins national awards
Appointment: Professor Moira Whyte
Court meeting: 8 February 2016
Meet the University Court event
Automatic pension re-enrolment
Dignity and Respect Advisors wanted
Wave image wins photography prize
Senate nominations wanted
British Sign Language short course
Reuse Hoose - free event
Award nominations open
Accommodation to rent/for sale
Election of Senate Assessors
Staff travel survey
Short courses – April 2016
Staff win Suffrage Science Award
New Fellows of Royal Society of Edinburgh
University passes charity bake sale record
The state pension is changing
Fairtrade Fortnight
World record charity bake sale bid
Sustainability projects grant
Responsible Investment Policy statement
Innovative Learning Week
Meet the Rector
New Legal Services department
Launch of Sustainability Awards
Climate change debate – 1 February
Key audit appointment
Appointment: Diana Paton
Senate meeting: 3 February 2016
Writing support for international students
Court meeting: 7 December 2015
Bulletin competition winner named
Browse the news archive
This article was published on
4 Jan, 2017