Teaching Matters blogpost
The latest blogpost from Teaching Matters highlights the recent EUSA Teaching Awards
Teaching Matters is the University’s website for debate about learning and teaching, for sharing ideas and approaches to teaching and for showcasing successes, including academic colleagues who are leading the way in delivering brilliant teaching.
Every month, a theme is explored through a video highlighting one of the University’s ‘4*’ teachers, written features, a Focus on a School and a number of blog contributions over the month.
Teaching Matters also add news items as they come in and runs an events listing page.
Teaching awards

The theme for this month is the EUSA Teaching Awards.
The Edinburgh University Students’ Association was the first to establish an annual Teaching Awards to recognise good teaching going on at the University.
Since the first awards ceremony in 2009, Edinburgh has led the way for other institutions to follow.
This month’s theme blogs will showcase teachers and students who have nominated others, been nominated themselves, or won EUSA Teaching Awards.
A video featuring teachers and students who attended this year’s ceremony has also been produced: Watch the video.