2016/17 national pay negotiations
Trade unions continue to reject pay offer.
The trade unions EIS, GMB, UCU, UNISON and Unite have rejected a final offer of a 1.1% uplift on all points on the national pay spine, with higher uplifts for points one to seven. Whilst dispute resolution meetings have taken place there has been no change to the final offer and no change in the trade unions’ position.
As a consequence of the ongoing dispute, there will be a delay in implementing the 2016/17 uplift in base pay. University staff eligible for incremental progression increases will have these processed in the August payroll.
Further information on the pay negotiations can be found below and on the UCEA website.
Further industrial action by UCU
University and College Union (UCU) has notified the University that its members will take further strike action in support of its national dispute over the 2016/17 pay negotiations. This is in addition to the action short of a strike, which commenced on 25th May 2016.
The one-day of strike action will take place on Tuesday 14th June 2016.
Efforts continue to be made to minimise disruption to academic and support services and further details about the industrial action will be posted on the Student Administration website. Further information on the pay negotiations can be found below and on the UCEA website.
Pay and pension issues
Staff who participate in the strike will not be paid.
If you are not a member of UCU, do not wish to cross a picket line and are unable to make arrangements with your manager to work from a different location, your absence will be unauthorised. You will also be considered to be on strike and your absence will be unpaid. The calculation of a day’s pay will be 1/365th of annual salary for full-time staff, proportionate for part-time staff and the withheld salary will be taken from June salary payments. Pension contributions will be unaffected.
Staff with any questions about this communication should contact their line manager or local College/Support Group Head of HR/HR Adviser.