Pledge to cut mental illness stigma
The University has signed a national pledge to reduce mental health discrimination in the workplace.

The pledge is part of the Scottish Government’s ‘See Me’ campaign to end the stigma surrounding mental health issues.
Action plan
The University has joined the pledge as part of its commitment to its equality and diversity strategy.
To support its pledge to the campaign, the University has created an action plan outlining measures to improve training and awareness of mental health issues, throughout the organisation.
The action plan is available from the University’s Health and Wellbeing and Equaity and Diversity websites.
Mental ill-health affects many people.
Statistically one in four people will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives.
Nearly two thirds of the population know someone close to them who has experience of mental ill-health.
The University of Edinburgh is pleased to become a signatory to the See Me pledge. Our action plan promotes open discussion of the importance of mental wellbeing for all students and staff, investments in the prevention of mental ill-health, and support for people affected.