About these pages
This Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub brings together all of the information, resources and services available to our University employees.
These pages are created and updated by the HR and Health and Safety departments.
More information on these webpages, as well as the University's commitment to the health and wellbeing of our staff, can be found below:

There is a variety of internal and external services and resources for you to access to support your mental health.

Information to help you support others that may be struggling with their mental health and wellbeing.

Information about the menopause for staff and managers including a policy, guidance and useful resources

Information on ways the University can help you with your health at work, physical health and other aspects of your wellbeing.
Are you working from home?
Since January 2021, a team of researchers from the Physical Activity for Health Research Centre have been undertaking research to understand the issue and to develop a solution.
Findings have informed an evidence-based toolkit with suggestions that can be integrated into the working at home day and your own individual routines.
The toolkit also suggests ways to get into the habit of moving more.
You can access the toolkit on the Actify platform.

Read the latest mental health and wellbeing stories from the University community in Bulletin, the staff magazine.