GennaRose Nethercott
A fairy tale profile from GennaRose whose love of the city includes an appreciation of the folklore, the landscape, and even the Scottish weather. We look forward to welcoming her back in the near future.
Name | GennaRose S. Nethercott |
Degree Course | Literature/Scottish Studies |
Year of Graduation | 2012 |

Your time at the University
When I first stepped into Edinburgh, I thought I had fallen into some kind of fairy tale. I had never been to Scotland before, hailing from a small agricultural village across the Atlantic in the state of Vermont. Walking blindly into a new country and a new home, I had no idea what to expect. Yet from my very first night there, tripping over cobblestones as I dragged my suitcase up the Royal Mile, I felt like I was home.
I spent the year studying literature and supernatural folklore, while participating in Bedlam Theatre, where I met a wonderful group of friends.
Now many miles from Edinburgh, I cannot stop thinking of how the constellations look as they hang over Arthur’s Seat, the whisper of pages turning in the Scottish Studies library, the nights I spent in corners of pubs with friends or revising in Teviot late into the wee hours, and of course, the sound of rain. I had spent a long time looking for a place that felt like home, and in Edinburgh, I finally found it. I will return as soon as I am able.
I had spent a long time looking for a place that felt like home, and in Edinburgh, I finally found it.
Tell us about your Experiences since leaving the University
I am completing a degree in poetry and playwriting, which I will finish in Spring 2013. Meanwhile, I have been touring professionally with a one-woman show, performing my spoken word poetry and teaching writing workshops across New England.
When I’m not on the road, I am writing, or trying to write, or being pleased to have written. When I complete my current degree, I plan to move back to Edinburgh and pursue a career in writing and theatre.
Alumni wisdom
Study only what you love so much that it makes your gut hurt to think about it. If you don’t start excitedly pushing recently-absorbed knowledge to people in bars every time you get drunk, then you aren’t studying the right subject. You’ve got to love what you are learning enough to force it on strangers like some magnificent gift.