Alumni Services

Special interest

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Name Description Contact method Further information
Alexandra Boat Club The Graduate Boat Club at the University of Edinburgh.   Club website
Edinburgh Computer History Preserving the computing history of the CS and AI departments.   Yahoo group

Edinburgh Economics Alumni Group

Enhancing links between alumni who were associated with the Economics Society or the School of Economics during their time at the University of Edinburgh.

Email LinkedIn group
New College Alumni For former students of Divinity or Religious Studies. Email School website
School of Mathematics Alumni in China A group of School of Mathematics alumni in China, who share job and internship opportunities. Email WeChat Number: zifeimo0618
Sports Union Alumni Association Informing sporting graduates of news, results and developments within the SU and sports clubs. Email Twitter
The Graduates Association Subscription based graduate body. Publishes the University of Edinburgh Journal. Email Website
The Old Blowers Club The official alumni society of the Edinburgh University Wind Band / Ensemble.   Website